Sorry fellas but majority of my articles are gender biased due to the fact that I am a woman. Now that's not to say don't read it, because chances are we have a lot more in common than we might think. I just felt a warning was needed if it got too "girly" up in here.
According to social media, being single in your twenties is the second worst thing there is, next to Trump winning the presidency being the first.
Ever since I came home from the summer all of my friends (and I do mean all of them) are in a relationship or attempting to get into one. Which makes me the epitome of a 7th wheel and I'm completely fine with that. But in trying to figure out if its my awesomeness that repels that guys or my ability to inhale an entire garlic bread pizza while binge watching Law & Order, I decided to create a list that might shed some insight onto the situation. So here are a few reasons as to why we might be bae-less.
1. You're too busy
In between my two jobs, taking summer classes, and sleeping, I barely have time to enjoy my summer let alone enjoy it with a significant other. There's 24hrs in a day but that doesn't seem to be enough time. Unless sleeping dates become a thing, I'll continue to enjoy my free time sleeping.
2. You won't settle
Don't think of it as being "too picky" or "uppity." Think of it as safeguarding yourself. You've probably seen a lot of your friends get heartbroken and you simply decided to take a preemptive measure to ensure that the same thing doesn't happen to you.Or you already know exactly what you want and don't need to waste your precious youth dating different people trying to figure it out. It's okay to not test out all the fish in the water before making your catch.
3. You're trying to learn to love yourself first.
Not all of us may have the same self love as this adorable little girl and that is completely alright. Working on loving yourself is a hard job that sometimes takes people their entire lives to do. It's hard to try and love someone else when you don't love yourself. So do your contour pretty or buy that box of donuts and just work on you.
4. You're last relationship left some scars
Okay. Trust issues. We all have them. But time heals all. You're going to be alright. Just don't let your past affect your future. Believe it or not, they aren't all the same.
5. You've gotten really comfortable with the single life
Actually it does get a little lonely but on the plus side you don't have to worry about not texting back, where someone is all day, and spending your money on gifts for silly things like "one week anniversaries." And you can flirt your way out of any situation and not feel guilty about it.
6.You're just too awesome.
Let's face it, it would take someone really special to even come close to handling all of you. People understand that you're amazing and don't want to mess that up, so you don't get approached as often because others fear rejection. It's simple. Now if you could just find someone who knows that they are just as awesome and the two of you could live together in a constant state of awesomeness and win at everything.
Most people are single for one big reason: because they want to be. Don't let twitter and instagram confuse you, its alright to not be in a relationship. Not everyone is taking cute pictures in matching Jordan's or holding their significant other's hand while they're guiding them around on some seemingly fun adventure. You're just taking your time finding that special someone. And that's more than alright. Do you boo.