I've been working retail for almost two and a half years now, and I absolutely love it. I've learned a lot along the way, and made many friends, too. Here's a couple reasons why I think everyone should work retail at least once in their life.
1. It teaches you patience.
This is a big one. I have three younger sisters, and we were all homeschooled, so we saw quite a bit of each other all day (and even that is an understatement). I'd like to say that they have helped me prepare for the patience that I have gained/needed while working with the general public. It really is one of the best things to learn, even if it doesn't always bring you the most joy in the moment. I know it will definitely help prepare me to be a mom someday far into the future, as well as continue to help me in college and in life.
2. You'll make great friendships.
When you're around people for any length of time, you start to get to know them better, and vice versa. In doing so you share memories, laughs, jokes and have the ability to help each other with any number of things. Some of my favorite people are my coworkers, and I'm not just saying that because I know some of them may read this. I truly am blessed to have each one of them in my life, to help build and grow me, and challenge me in, and outside of work.
3. It enhances your "people skills."
Because being around diverse cultures and opinions definitely grows you as an individual. Plus, it teaches you how to handle different situations, and how to respond to other people's personalities when they react to those certain situations. All around it really grows you as a person to be around a variety of different lifestyles, people, cultures and communities, no matter what kind of job or career field you end up working in.
4. It gives you more empathy.
Empathy isn't always something that comes naturally to everyone. But, when you see that other people have things going on in their life that they can't control, and you get to see bits and pieces of their heart, it can make your day to even make a moment of theirs. Not only that, but it can also help you to see that the problems you thought were big in your life, sometimes are very small in comparison to what other people may be dealing with. It puts everything into perspective.
5. You learn to always say things politely. Always. Regardless of any situation or obstacle.
Sometimes when people are reacting to those aforementioned situations, they aren't the calmest or the nicest in their responses. But, still, you carry on and continue to do your best, trying to solve the complication to your greatest capacity. If it's something you can't handle on your own, you ask for help. Which brings me to number 6.
6. You learn to not be afraid to ask questions.
I can't tell you how many times someone has asked me a question that I didn't know the answer to, especially when I first started. But, I think asking questions is a big part of growing up in general. If you need to know the answer to something, or someone else needs to know the answer, "...never say, 'I don't know'" because while you may not know the answer, someone else definitely does. Asking questions can grow their knowledge and yours all at once, that way the next time you're asked that question, you'll know what to say.