Spirit is defined by perseverance, and the Special Olympics is the embodiment of that. Each year, Bryant University is the setting for the Special Olympics of Rhode Island Day of Games. On May 7, 2016, sports teams, organizations and volunteers will come together to participate in this event. It is a moment for us to witness the dedication and hours of hard work these athletes have put towards their sport. It has all built up to this day; a day to celebrate abilities, not disabilities.
When some people think of the Special Olympics, they think of community service and an activity that looks great on resumes and job applications. What they sometimes do not realize is how amazing the experience is. It is important to learn to appreciate life and hard work and, in order to do this, individuals should volunteer for the Special Olympics, which is much more than helping athletes compete. It is a great opportunity to experience enthusiasm, joy and personal achievement. It is important to understand that volunteering pays you back in a myriad of ways and many of those rewards are so much more valuable than money. So for those of you who are Bryant University students, here are some important reasons on why you should volunteer for the Special Olympics.
1. You'll learn to lead.
It can be frightening to take on that much responsibility, but when you know your actions have a direct impact on others, it is empowering. Your confidence will grow, and others will look to you for guidance, which will definitely serve you well in your future.
2. You have the chance to work as a team.
Bryant University is well known for its emphasis on group projects and collaborating with others. This is where your group work experience can pay off. When you volunteer for an event, you don’t always know what you will be doing or who you will be working with, but you know that the job needs to be completed on time.
3. It's a great networking opportunity.
Usually, we tend to surround ourselves with people of similar backgrounds and cultures. This is an excellent opportunity to mingle, talk and create potential contacts from many different people. It that could prove useful later on. You never know, maybe you'll meet your next best friend!
4. It's a great way to give back to the community.
By volunteering for the day of games, you will be showing support for your Bryant community. Committee members have worked hard to make sure this day goes off without a hitch! Not only will they appreciate the time and work you are putting into it, but you will feel good for doing it. You’ll be amazed by the people you meet and the experiences you’ll have when you’re giving back to your community in this way.
5. You learn lessons.
One important thing you can learn from volunteering is never to judge someone by his or her appearance—get to know the person first. You never know what they have experienced, or where they are coming from, so it’s important to listen to and learn from each person you encounter in life.
6. Do it for the athletes.
Those who participate in Special Olympics are athletes—true athletes, who are dedicated to their sport as much as any other athlete. We want nothing more than for those athletes to feel appreciated and to be supported. Special Olympics gives those who may feel that they live in a world where they don’t fit in the opportunity to be in an environment where they are just like everybody else. It's as simple as that. What are you waiting for? Do it for the athletes.
If you are a Bryant student who would like to volunteer for the Special Olympics Day of Games on May 7, stop by the rotunda on Wednesday, April 27 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. to sign up! I hope you join our one big family!