Too many times, we allow the stresses of our daily lives to be a burden on our shoulders, forcing us to overlook how blessed we truly are. The little things that should be our daily reminders of the greatness of life are more often than not overshadowed by our struggles. As humans, we innately find it necessary to stress over the bad aspects of our lives, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to love the life we live and just be truly happy. This week, I've decided to share with you six reasons why you should be happy.
1. You woke up this morning.
The mere fact that you have a life means that you should be in a full state of gratitude, because with life comes the journey that makes us who we are.
2. You have the ability to create your life.
Many people have dreams and goals that they're aiming to achieve. However, there are a vast amount of individuals in this world who are unable to work towards those goals due to circumstances beyond their control. If you are one of the lucky ones, it is your duty to create a life for yourself that you would be proud of. You know your strengths and weaknesses the best, therefore you should take the time to mold your future into what you want it to become and be nothing but appreciative of that.
3. You have options.
You woke up this morning, you decided whether not you wanted coffee or tea, you maybe even decided that you would rather spend the morning reading than going to the gym. These little things that we take for granted many times are things that we should use to find true happiness. You are blessed to have options in your life, something that quite a few don't have, so instead of stressing and becoming a miserable bum, explore your options and aim for finding your solution.
4. You are capable of love and being loved.
Whether you're single, or married, or just simply not interested and living life, you have the ability to love. Through having family and friends in your life, you have a chance to give love and get love, two of the best feelings in the world, if you ask me.
5. You can drink coffee.
There's nothing like a good cup of coffee really. It gets more magical after each sip, I promise. Coffee comes from a plant that has superpowers that make you feel happy deep within your soul. Try it out!
6. You have the chance to bring joy to someone else today.
What is life without giving? The joy that we experience when we are able to assist someone or make them happy is ethereal. In sparking joy, gratitude and appreciation in another person, you immediately feel a sense of complete satisfaction which ultimately means sheer happiness.