Voting might seem like some off-hand task that should be pushed to the back-burner because, after all, does your vote really matter? The answer is YES, YES, YES. Your vote absolutely does matter even if it might seem like something so small and something so small! Yes there are hundreds of millions people that living in the United States, but you are one functioning gear in this huge machine. Here are 6 amazing reasons why you, as a citizen, MUST get up and vote:
1. If you don't vote you can't complain about who wins
If you didn't vote, you failed to voice your opinion and support someone who might share at least some of the same views that you have! So put your big girl panties on and suck it up!
2. It's your CIVIC duty, stated by the BILL OF RIGHTS!
That's right, I said it. Part of the Bill of Rights! Yeah, that thing our fore father's wrote, that part of the United States rides on? Yeah, it's in there! I swear it's in there!
3. There's more to the ballot than just the President!
Not only are you voting to the President, but there are many other local elections that definitely way in the future of the United States! The ticket is way more than just President and Vice President election! Make sure to educate yourself on local elections!
4. Voting is your voice for this country!
Yes, as I said before, there are millions of people! But voting definitely is you voicing your opinion and the way that you feel this country should be ran! If you want to have lower interest rate then vote on someone who wants to lower your interest rates!!
5. I mean the 500+ days that lead up to the election is plenty of anticipation!
Who doesn't like a little drama and anticipation? It's literally like waiting for Christmas all over again and having two Christmas' in one year! The polling places have to close, then ballots have to be calculated and then we sit and wait!
6. You get a dang cool sticker!
I mean if this isn't the greatest part about voting I am not sure what is!
So if anything has been gathered from this article it's that you must go and vote not only for your country but for yourself, and your views! Happy elections and happy voting!