I suffer daily from a disease known as OFD which stands for Obsessive Food Disorder (and yes I just made that up). In all seriousness, food is always on my mind. What I am deciding on for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not a decision to be taken lightly. Then the "in between" food or snacks is always of issue as well. So, when it comes to dieting, I fail miserably. Here is why:
1. Food is my comfort.
I study best with a snack. When I feel stressed, I focus my thoughts elsewhere, to food. When I am sad, I eat everything. Unfortunately, you can see the trend here. If I could control my emotions, I could control my eating. But honestly, I am probably just bad at doing that.
It is not easy being a woman.
2. I love beer and fruity drinks.
"Margarita, please. Hold the salt, I am on a diet."
Close enough, right? Not only are these drinks full of calories and carbs but like most people, if I have one I will probably have eight. I of course will then stuff my face before bed time because too much alcohol gives you the munchies too. Come morning I won't want to get out of bed until afternoon and even after I do, I will lack productivity. Alcohol is like a triple no-no during a diet.
So naturally, I only want it more.
3. I love cheese, sour cream, and (extra) condiments.
So, I eat salads for lunch topped with lean meats and a lot of colorful vegetables...
Then I dump a third of a bottle of ranch on it.
Sure, I love grilled chicken. I love it even more with honey mustard, BBQ, Ketchup, any and all of the above dipping sauces.
And sure, I will have green beans or asparagus, deep fried.
You can see my dilemma here.
4. I eat carbs on carbs on carbs on carbs.
"Is bread a carb?"
Yes, Regina, yes. The more carbs, the better. So yes, I will take a bite of garlic bread for every bite of noodles and a crouton for every bite of salad. I like bread and butter with casseroles and potatoes. The only thing better than a big chunk of buttered, garlicky bread, is buttered, garlicky bread with cheese on top.
5. I have too many "cheat" days.
Not only do I have too many cheat days, but I go way over board on my cheat days. So my whole weeks of progress goes down the toilet (with all my crappy food).
6. I feel like I am starving.
I make it through lunch and the afternoon with a little bit of hunger, but I am still surviving. Come supper I am crawling to the refrigerator with any strength I have left to stuff my face as quickly as possible.
Cutting the dramatics, I waste a whole day of dieting by eating the extra calories and carbs for supper.
In all honesty, I am probably not dieting right or maybe I just don't have the will power. The first step of recovering, however, is admittance and I can surely admit that I am addicted to food. Why do the foods that taste the best have to be the worst for you!?