Today’s society is a scary place. With the increase of bullying in today’s youth, mixed with some harsh and unrealistic beauty expectations in the media, it is no wonder why girls, and boys, everywhere are beginning to love themselves a little less. Depression and anxiety are illnesses that are becoming a lot more common today. Social media starlets like Kylie Jenner and other insta-famous beauties constantly promote “skinny teas” and “teatox”s, giving young girls this crazy idea that they need to be skinny and these products will make that happen. If you are feeding into this mumbo-jumbo, I have one thing to tell you: STOP. I promise, those products don’t work in the way you are made to believe. A tea is not going to make you feel good. YOU are going to make yourself feel good. The only quick fix to happiness is learning to love yourself. Here are the reasons why it’s so important:
1. Self-love gives you self-confidence
2. Your smile is brighter
3. You are more likely to step outside of your comfort zone
4. Your relationships grow stronger
5. The world around you, changes
6. You can help others on their journey of self-love
It can seem difficult, sometimes even impossible, to really work to love oneself. It takes time, for sure. But in the end, the person you have to reckon with more than anyone else in this world is the person you look at in the mirror every morning; you. Once you learn to accept who you are as a person, you'll find taking on the world isn't as hard of a task as it seems.