So, you worked a double and you're too tired to even walk, but your friends want to hang out. Maybe your significant other is getting on your last nerve, and wont leave you alone? Or the new person you went on a date with won't leave you alone and already is being clingy? We all have best friends to turn to in these situations, but who is really there when people fail us and we learn that depending on others isn't the best solution to the problem?
TA DA! One word:
1. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of possibilities at your fingertips.
Feeling like you need a laugh to make your day? The comedy panel will be there for you. Can't go to sleep? There’s even documentaries to help you out with that. No matter what, Netflix has your back. (Unless you're like me and have been wanting to binge watch Degrassi, which isn't on there ...)
2. Who needs to be in a serious relationship, when "The Vampire Diaries" is pretty much as real as it gets?
I can literally stay in bed all day if something real is happening on my laptop in one of my series. "Grey’s" just keeps getting better (although the finale brought me into a slight depression - NO SPOILERS HERE, GUYS), Damon keeps getting hotter, and desperate housewives are always plotting something, no matter if its the first or seventh time watching the series.
3. When you have friends over and that awkward, “What to do?” conversation comes up.
C’mon. We’ve all had friends over when there’s nothing to do on a Friday night. This is where Netflix once again comes in handy. There’s even "Grease" and "Dirty Dancing" to get your sing- and dance-along comfort zone to a maximum.
4. Breakups are tough, but not when "That 70’s Show" is there to pick up the tears.
Fez and Eric have to be the best rebounds on earth. Those tears wont be falling for long, and the laughs will make them never reappear.
5. Night to yourself?
Draw a bath, set some candles, and play some music, or watch a movie. Add a glass of wine and you're good to go. The crazy day at the office will be the last thing on your mind once you sink yourself into a newfound show or film.
6. Antisocial wants getting the best of you?
Not everyone enjoys having friends over 24/7. Not everyone hates being alone. Netflix is that one person whom you can stand being in the room all day and don't have to worry about getting pissed off at.
When it comes to life dragging you down, and never wanting to leave the house, Netflix will always have your back. There are so many different types of movies and shows to choose from, but choose wisely. Because once you find a good series, you will be hooked, and end up not knowing what day of the week it is. It happens to the best of us.
So …
Keep calm and Netflix on!