1. It's impossible to make all the right decisions all the time.
No one's always right and no one's always wrong and that's something we just need to accept.
2. Sometimes it's not always clear to see which decision is "right" and which is "wrong".
Sometimes the only way to figure out if something is right or wrong is just to try it and see what happens. You can always change your mind and pick something else if it ends up being wrong.
3. Right and wrong are subjective.
We subconsciously let others choose what's right and wrong for us sometimes, but what's right for someone else might be wrong for you.
4. Sometimes a decision can be the right one in one instance, but then the wrong one in another.
Something might feel right in the moment, but then when you look back on it, you might realize that it wasn't actually the right decision. We can't beat ourselves up for these moments, because we didn't know how we would view this decision in another moment.
5. Occasionally you need to choose the wrong thing for it to teach you something.
This is one that can be seen in countless movies and TV shows, where someone does something wrong, but because of that they ended up better off. Sometimes choosing the wrong thing can teach us a lesson.
6. You're only human.
As Hannah Montana says in her hit song "Nobody's Perfect," "Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days." We're only human and most humans, whether or not we like to admit it, are pretty problematic. Being problematic sometimes is okay though, especially when we're young because we're still learning the ropes on this thing called "life."