Torn to pieces are the remains of the envelope that once held your acceptance letter. You can now thank yourself for the extra hour you stayed up working on applications. You're in. It may be your dream school, or it may just be a safety school. Whatever the case, you know you’ll be furthering your education and gaining the independence you’ve been dreaming of for months.
Then, reality sets in. The next step is to find a roommate. The class Facebook page is filled with all walks of life and those who are brave enough to post, find comfort in knowing someone out there relates to them in some way. You are dying to meet someone new because your hall is the one and only place to do so, right? There are ample opportunities to meet new people in a college setting so there is no need to stress about that. With all of the tedious work that comes after being accepted like financial aid and textbooks, trying to find a roommate in my opinion, was the most time sensitive. Here’s why it is not the worst thing in the world to have a roommate from your high school.
1. It will save time and energy
Putting yourself out there for thousands of people to see is hard enough. After awhile, posting tends to get repetitive. Also, not having to message someone on the Facebook page every day, check your phone constantly, or post a new introduction of yourself every week is less nerve-wracking and stressful.
2. Shared experiences
This person understands where you came from because they came from there too. Talking about what you’ll miss, and more likely, what you won’t miss about high school makes starting college a lot more exciting.
3. Room decorating and planning
Shopping online for cute dorm stuff during class…uh yes.
4. Going to orientation together
At orientation, you don’t have to search for a temporary roommate for the one day you have to stay the night.
5. The housing application
Due to the limited amount of housing and this year's large incoming class, many of the new students at my university had to find alternative off-campus housing. It was a sigh of relief getting the housing application done early and knowing I had a guaranteed spot in a dorm.
6. Bonding
If you ultimately decide to room with someone from high school, that means you probably like them enough to live with them. With that in mind, hopefully your friendship remains or becomes stronger in the year to come.
Of course, it is also nice to have a third roommate as not only a familiar face on campus but another person to share the many adventures of dorm life and college.