I'm from a family of four kids and i'm the only girl. When i was little i hated the fact that i did not have a sister. I always asked my mom when she was going bring home a little sister for me, that never happened, Though i'm so glad i grew up with all brothers, here's why.
`1) I never have to share my clothes with them.
Since i have three brothers i know all my clothes are new and safe from anyone taking them. I never have to worry about looking for my favorite shirt and finding out one of my brothers stole it from me. It just does not happen when you are the only girl.
2) Walking around with them is like having your own set of body guards.
Granted my brothers are all over six feet so that might help a little bit. But when i walk around with them i know no one is going to give me a second look. They are like a force field when we are out places.
3) They have introduced me to some awesome TV shows,movies, music, and videos games.
A lot of things i watch, listen to and play are because my brothers suggest it to me. My favorite things are probably the ones my brothers have shown me. Thank you for showing me: Srubs, Forever The Sickest Kids, Marvel Movies, and Undertale!
4) They have taught me it is okay to have a nerdy side.
They have taught me that it's okay to like things that most people don't like. They have shown me it is okay to be my weird nerdy self, since they have their nerdy quirks too. My favorite thing will always be when we talk about a a new superhero movie that we all have seen and our thoughts on it.
5) Somehow they deal with my fangirling.
I know i'm not the easiest person to be around when i fangirl. I don't speak in complete sentences, i tend to scream and over all just not make sense. Somehow you guys have dealt with that since i was about seven so that is pretty awesome.
6) They are my best friends.
You guys can call it cheesy but i really don't know what i would do with out you guys. You are always there when i need a pick me up or even to get some food, so thank you for being the best brothers ever and being my best friends!