1. Lifetime Bestfriend
No matter what you and your brother go through at the end of the day, he will be your best friend. He will always be there for you and have your best interest at heart.
2. Bodyguard
Your brother isn't going to let you date any random guy. He will intimidate even the best men. He is always going to protect you from the bad whether he is younger or older. You will always have a guardian when growing up with brothers.
3. Tough Love
Growing up you always horse around and sometimes got bumps and bruises but at the end of the day having a brother made you tough. They do not treat you like a girl they treat you like a sibling, so if you throw a punch, you better expect a punch back.
4. Constant Competition
Having a brother makes you very competitive in life which is good for teaching yourself you can always do better. Never settling and driving to be the best version of yourself can take you very far in life. I found it great to have to rise to the occasion to beat my brothers. Friendly competition is great!
5. Biggest Motivator
Your brother encourages you to follow your greatest dreams no matter how wild they are. He is going to support you to reach for the starts, and he will be there every step of the way to tell you that you can do something.
6. Teaching Patience
Growing up with a brother you have probably experienced endless pranks and goofy games. You have learned not to get so frustrated and to relax when things go wrong.