I love dogs. I have always owned a dog my whole life. My dogs Misha and Bella are princesses, they are my loves. Dogs are wo(man)'s best friend. Dogs will always be there for you no matter what. They are usually down to snuggle or have a serious talk with. Dogs are your ride or die.
1. Dogs are loyal af.
A dog would never betray you no matter what. Your dog will always choose you no matter what. They would never hold anything against you.
2. They are down for anything.
Your dog will go for a walk or just stay in bed all day and watch grey's; as long as you guys are together they don't mind.
3. They are great listeners.
Dogs are the best therapists in the world. They will listen with no judgement.
4. They don't judge you.
Dogs will never judge you for eating another piece of cake or for not wearing a bra for an entire day.
5. They just want love.
Dogs just want your attention and love.
6. They are so supportive.
Your dog is always there to cheer you on.