Every incoming freshman has high hopes for what college will be like. Even if your high school experience was amazing, you can bet college will be better. Who doesn't look forward to the freedom and new experiences that come with going to college?
1. You have the freedom to do whatever you want, which often means 1 a.m. food runs.
Being on your own and away from your parents means you're the only one in charge of you—for the first time! Although this can lead to relatively bad decisions—which can lead to the freshman 15—it's something every college student looks forward to.
2. You have different classes every day, so don't have to see the same people constantly.
Unlike high school where you have the same classes every day with the same people you've known your entire life, your classes never get (too) boring because there are different classes with different people every day.
3. You actually get to study what you love.
Instead of studying math when you want an art degree, or art when you want a math degree, you finally get to pick your classes and study things that matter to you.
4. Living on campus instead of at home means living with your best friends.
Even if you don't live in the same dorm, being across campus instead of across town makes it so much easier to see your friends whenever you want to.
5. No getting up at 6 a.m. for your first period class at 7:15 a.m.
College means picking your own classes, so you can get up as late as you want. Even if you have an 8 a.m. class, it's better than 7 a.m. class.
6. You get to meet many new people.
Going to a new college in a new town means a fresh start. You meet so many amazing people, which you never would have otherwise.