Anybody who has been in band for a long time knows how much fun high school band was. (Sarcastic much?) Those that went on to do band in college know that that is where the real fun is and this is why:
1. Everybody in the ensemble cares as much as you do.
There is no pointless chatter and just about everybody in the ensemble is as engaged in the music as you are.
2. You can get paid to do it.
Who doesn't love free money?! If you are one of those fortunate enough to practice and play your instrument well in high school, you can get a scholarship to be in an ensemble at a college or university.
3. Everybody wants to be there.
Back in high school, there was a fine line between the ones who wanted to be in the band and those who were only there because their parents made them. In college, nobody's parents are making them be there. We are either there for a scholarship or because we just love it.
4. Disrupting rehearsal is not tolerated.
In high school, there were always those select few people that felt it was necessary to be disruptive. In college, the director will not put up with it and kick you out... or even worse, take away your scholarship
5. You do not spend 20 minutes tuning.
You know you hated tuning in high school just because it took at least half the rehearsal. If you are a skilled musician, you know what I am talking about. In high school, most of the time we had to sit and wait for the tuner to go around the entire band, but it still did not seem to help. Some people are just straight up tone deaf. In college, maybe 2-5 minutes is spent tuning because if you are good enough to make it into a college ensemble, you are expected to be able to play in tune.
6. Harder Music.
Who doesn't love a good challenge? Sometimes in high school, you were not able to play difficult music because some people refused to practice. In college, it is a completely different story. The music is harder and if you can’t play it, you are expected to have it worked out by the next rehearsal.
These are only a few of the many reasons why college band is way better than high school band ever was and we love it!