If you're a Christian and you've never had the opportunity to go to a Christian concert... you are missing out.
If you're not a Christian, maybe this article isn't going to make much sense. But even if you're considering this idea of God, or curious about Him and what it means to worship - seriously, if you have even the smallest desire to know more - consider going to a Christian concert. You won't regret it.
Why are Christian concerts so awesome? Well, let me tell you.
1. Everyone in attendance has one thing in mind - God.
Typically you go to a Christian concert because you have a relationship with God (or you're searching for one). So everyone in that room has a sole purpose - to worship. You're all intimately connected, whether you know each other or not.
2. The lyrics are incredible.
Say what you want about Christianity, but the love that is poured into the lyrics at a concert like this is awe-inspiring. Especially if they project the words up on a screen, you have the chance to see and hear and sing these incredible lyrics about love and God and hope. Typically these lyrics are raw, honest, sometimes painful, but mainly full of praise, and that, to me, is just amazing.
3. They tend to promote an organization they're passionate about.
I've only been to a few Christian concerts (and let me tell you, I've loved every one), but typically the band will have a specific charity or organization that they support. For example, Rend Collective promotes Compassion Child, where you can sponsor a child by sending money to them and their family each month, and communicating with them through letters. Christian artists support important organizations, and ask their fans to support them as well, which is really cool (at least to me it is).
4. It's always a good time.
If you love Jesus, I just don't see how you can not enjoy a Christian concert. It's upbeat, fun, powerful - whether you go alone or with friends, it's just a great time.
5. You're with family.
As Christians, we're all the body of Christ. As the body, we're all joined - we're all family. Forever and always. So you get to meet new members of the family, share in worship together, and form bonds - even if only for a night - that are really unforgettable.
6. A Christian concert means a night of worship... and who doesn't want that?
At a normal concert you go, you jam out, you have fun... but a Christian concert is more than that. Rend Collective said it best - "We tricked you. You thought you were coming to a concert, but you're actually here for a night of worship." And that's what it is. It's a room full of people who love Jesus, and who want to shout it from the rooftops. There's singing and dancing and praising; there's sometimes tears, but there's always joy and laughter, too. Worship is just incredible, in a crowd that big with music that loud that has lyrics that powerful... there's just nothing like it.
So if you've never gone to see a Christian concert before, buy a ticket to one! They're relatively cheap, and there's probably something in your area (or at least near your area). It's worth it. Trust me.