6 Reasons Why I Can't Wait For Fall | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons Why I Can't Wait For Fall

A look at some of my favorite things about fall approaching.

6 Reasons Why I Can't Wait For Fall

With August coming near to an end, our hot weather months are finally ending. While summer is one of my favorite seasons, I have just about had enough of the hot temperatures! Out with the 90 degrees and in with the 60 degree weather!

Here are six reasons why I can't wait for fall to begin.

1. The leaves changing colors.

There is nothing more beautiful than the leaves beginning to change colors. I love driving and seeing a mix of red, orange, and yellow leaves both on the trees and beginning to fall from the tree branches.

2. The drop in temperature.

I absolutely LOVE the summer time, especially because my birthday is in June. However, by end of August, I am ready for cooler weather. The fall is perfect because it cools down and is breezy and so nice outside!

3. Jeans, sweaters, and boots season.

As I pack away my tank tops, bikinis, and shorts, I pull out my jeans, scarves, light sweaters, and boots. I love sweater season and being cozy during the fall. The change in clothing is one of the best parts!

4. Fall festivities.

My mom and I love going to festivals both local and out of state. There are a few around my town that sell food, decorations for your home, and etc.. We also go to the Big E every year which is a huge festival that has tents set up, tons of food, a carnival, animals, and so much more.

5. Pies, donuts, and apple cider.

I think everyone can agree with me that fall foods are one of the best things to look forward to during the year. My mom makes pumpkin pie every year. I for one, love apple pie and cider donuts from Lyman Orchards. Apple cider is also really popular during the fall and it is delicious!

6. Pumpkin picking.

I feel that you can never be too old to go pumpkin picking. It is such a fun experience and you can get almost any size pumpkin you want. At the farm my family and I go to, pumpkins are placed all over a field and you can pick whichever one you want. The farm also sells baby pumpkins, gourds, and bundles of corn as decorations for your home (which are super cute!).

Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons we see in Connecticut. It comes and goes very quickly but it surely is great while it's here. Go outside, enjoy the cooler weather, and spend a day at a fall festival!

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