“Family Guy” is one of the most beloved animated adult sitcoms. In the series, we follow the Griffin family in their questionable and often politically incorrect adventures. While most of the chaacters are endearingly hilarious in their own way, there's one who never fails to get on my nerves. He's arrogant, pretentious, and just an overall tool, but for some bewildering reason he receives a ton of love from the fans. To combat this, I'm showing 6 reasons why everyone's favorite talking dog, Brian Griffin, is the worst.
1. He's constantly hitting on Lois
(See 1:45 mark)
It's bad enough to openly lust after a married woman. But when said woman is your best friend's wife, it's clear that you're an advanced level of douchebaggery. Throughout the series, Brian is constantly hitting on Lois with uncomfortable questions, requests, and actions. He clearly has no respect for her marriage to Peter and is the last person you'd want as a friend.
2. He bites the hand that feeds him
There have been many instances where the other characters really helped Brian out, and he returned the favor by screwing them over and treating them like dirt. One of the many examples of this is seen in the video above, where Quagmire helped Brian pay for his new set of teeth, that gets him into the real estate business. Later on in the episode, Brian sells a crappy condo to Quagmire and makes sure that he can't rescind the purchase. Not cool.
3. He took advantage of his girlfriend being blind
(Skip to 1:54 mark)
In one episode, Brian was dating a blind girl named Kate. Brian knew that she didn't like dogs, but he decided to deceive her into dating him anyway. On top of this, he kept tricking her into thinking that certain events were taking place that made him seem like the perfect boyfriend. Little did she know that he was the exact opposite.
4. He's a contrarian
I think Lois summed it up best when she called Brian a contrarian: Someone who rejects popular opinion. This undoubtedly adds to why he's so unbearable a character.
5. That time he stole Stewie’s jokes
(Skip to 3:03 mark)
Brian tried his hand at stand-up comedy, but ended up being terrible at it. As a last resort, he goes on Stewie’s Twitter account and passed off Stewie’s jokes as his own. We all know people who steal our jokes, and we can all agree how annoying it is. So essentially, Brian is the guy everyone hates.
6. He's the epitome of pretentious
From claiming to have read books that's he's ever even touched to advocating for charities when he doesn't know the name of a single one, Brian is one of the most pretentious TV characters that I've ever seen. He thinks he's so intelligent and better than everyone else, but the fact of the matter is that this attitude is what makes him the worst character in the show.
Hopefully, I've opened your eyes to why Brian is so unlikable. I get that it's cool that he's a talking dog, but beyond that, he has nothing else going on for him. All of the other characters that Family Guy has to offer are immensely better, and I hope you consider picking them for your favorite character.