Is anyone else just absolutely done with this weather?
Here’s the thing. I’m from Chicago, Illinois, so it isn’t like I’m used to nice, beautiful springs anyways. However, for reasons I can’t quite explain, I was hoping that by leaving the Midwest for college I’d get a glimpse into what spring is supposed to be like. Unfortunately, that has proven to not be the case.
Everyone around campus is still walking around in puffy coats and everyone seems to be complaining about the lack of warm weather. To make it worse, I have a best friend at school in Miami, and if I get one more 80-degree filter snapchat from her I’m going to have to show up at her dorm unannounced and finish the year off there.
However, as I always say, positive thoughts positive outcomes. So, I’m hoping that by writing this article about all the fun things you can do in the warm weather, it’ll be warm by the time this is published. Everyone please say a prayer and think warm thoughts, I’m starting to get really sad over here.
1. Ice cream
To be honest, I eat this 365 days of the year, but it's still more enjoyable when it's warm out and I can eat it outside.
2. Swimming
I'm learning that a lot of the people I go to school with are from the coast and therefore beach people. Personally, I prefer the pool, but either way this still requires warmer weather.
3. Soccer
Whenever it is nice out, my friends and I like to go outside and play soccer and I can't wait for this to happen more frequently because I'm almost always stuck in my night class while they are playing.
4. Clothes
You know how when it starts cooling down people get really ready for sweater weather? Well, I'm usually the opposite and I get really ready for tank top weather.
5. Barefoot
This might be just a personal me thing, but I love running around without shoes on. Or, at the very most, it's best to just slide on flip-flops and be done with it.
6. Driving with the sunroof open
I love blaring my music and driving with the roof open, it just makes the drive so much more enjoyable. Hopefully, by the time I get home, it's warm enough for this. Again, say a prayer please.