Initially, most of us saw Donald Trump as a mere comic aboard the clown car of Republican nominees. Surprisingly enough, Trump is now the Republican presidential nominee. Since June of 2015, Donald Trump has widely established himself as the new controversial face of the GOP. Despite how easily dismissable and sometimes humorous many of his propositions are, the possibility of a Trump presidency is among us. His campaign trail has been entertaining, however, if all of Trump's promises are fulfilled, the results are rather terrifying. So here are 6 reasons to vote for anyone but Trump:
1. The Wall
Trump’s opinions on Mexican immigration have been quite loud and rather aggressive for the political sphere. He shook the the media with his proposals for the construction of a 1,000 mile wall along the border of Mexico. He swears this will not hurt the average American taxpayer because “Mexico will pay for it 100%” (regardless of Mexico's president's explicit claim otherwise). Even better, the justification for such a barrier stems from his belief that undocumented immigrants from Mexico are apparently drug-dealing rapists (As if the idea of a wall stopping immigration wasn't already amusing enough).
2. Deportation
Trump also pushes for mass deportation of the current 11 million undocumented immigrants residing in the US because they are costing taxpayers roughly $113 billion a year. Having said that, the process of deportation will amount to $285 billion alone. Additionally, when examining the vast economic loss in GDP and workers in many states, this would devastate the US economy of $2.5 trillion in only ten years. This amounts to an unofficial net loss of $2,672,000,000.
3. His International Trade Agenda
Trump supporters generally gloat about his impeccable plan for international trade. Yet, his plan to renegotiate trade deals by forcing tariffs on uncompromising countries is estimated by economists to cost the economy 4 million jobs and potentially send the US into a recession.
4. Sexism
From preaching that women who have had abortions should be punished to being on trial for allegedly raping a thirteen year old and even his own wife in 1989, Trump has proven himself to be a proud misogynist. In fact, the Washington Post recently released leaked audio of Trump bragging about sexual assault in 2005. He’s even spoken of his daughter in an oversexualized and demeaning fashion on the View in 2006. It's no secret how Trump devalues and belittles women. For a timeline of Trump's cringe-worthy sexist comments click here.
5. Tax Plan
Economists found that Trump's tax plan would extensively benefit the wealthy and extensively enlarge the national debt. Once implemented, the plan is expected to reduce federal revenue by $9.5 trillion over the first decade and increase the national debt by 80% of GDP by 2036.
6. Lack of Racial Equality
If there's one thing Trump suceeds in it's getting away being a white supremacist. Trump's ability to vomit racial slurs every time he has an opportunity is really outstanding. Failing to disclaim the Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, claiming a judge was unfit for his job because of his Mexican decent, attacking the family of a Muslim US Army officer, approving the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester, and stating that supporters whom harassed a homeless Latino man are "passionate" are all moments of racially charged hatefilled rhetoric from Trump's campaign. For more unsettling details click here.
So whatever you do on November 8th, pinky swear you won't vote for Trump.