I admit it, I'm beyond guilty of being on my phone constantly--I think we all are these days. After it was brought to my attention, though, I really can't stop thinking about it. We are all just living through this tiny screen, and in my humble opinion, that's no way to live. Not to mention, it's probably stressing us out more than we even realize. I'm not saying we should put them down forever (don't worry, I'm not the most unrealistic or unreasonable person in the world), BUT I am saying we should put it down more than we are right now. If you aren't convinced yet, here are some reasons to drop the phone ASAP:
1. Talk to and connect with the people around you
This is obviously number one because it's most important. You can only have so much connection through a screen. It's those face to face interactions that'll have you really feeling connected with another person. Laugh with them, talk with them, or even cry with them if the situation calls for it. All I'm asking is to just be with other people and not with your screen. You need it more than you think you do. If you don't believe me, just try it out, because I promise you being face to face makes all the difference.
2. We are quite literally living through history right now
There are going to be history books titled "2020" that will be filled cover to cover with what is happening right now before our very eyes. While I certainly don't suggest filling your time with your news addiction (another reason to put down your phone), I do suggest paying attention to what is happening around you. Notice that people are wearing masks everywhere they go, and pay attention to the feelings you get when somebody walks just a little too close to you. Your kids will want to hear about it one day, and you will want to remember this crazy time of not only your life, but of history. Plus, if you don't pay attention now, how could you appreciate it enough when this is all over?
3. Protect your eyes
This is kind of a joke, but also not a joke at all. We spend so much of our day (especially right now with e-learning and working from home) looking at a screen, and it is doing the opposite of wonders for our poor eyes. Give them a rest and put that phone down.
4. You’re probably using it as a procrastination tool
Don't even deny it, everytime you want to procrastinate your instinct is to pick up your phone. So, I'm here to give you some important advice: don't! Leave your phone where it is, and only pick it up once you are completely done with the thing that is making you want to procrastinate. You'll spend more energy procrastinating than actually doing the thing, and your phone is only making things worse. Don't give into that temptation, because once you do you'll be scrolling through social media for hours and before you know it you're only an hour away from your deadline.
5. Break that addiction
We are all addicted to our phones. Well, I guess I can't make that big of a generalization, but most of us are. If you feel your hand going towards your phone, ask yourself why? Is it just to mindlessly scroll for hours? Or is it because you crave some instant gratification? Whatever it is, remind yourself that you can do without it and try to go do something else for a little while. This is not to say you will break that addiction, because I have to admit I don't know if there's anything in this world that could cure my phone addiction. That being said, we at least have to try! It doesn't need to be completely cured, but we can totally tone it down a notch.
6. Too much social media can be, nay, IS toxic
Social media totally has its good qualities, but most certainly has its toxic qualities as well. Whether that be comparing ourselves to others, obsessing over the latest trends, or even feeling excluded when seeing friends out and about without you, there are so many windows of opportunity for social media to make you feel like sh!t. So don't let it. Go be your boss ass self and stop comparing yourself to the many angles of instagram.
Bottom line is our phones shouldn't be our whole world, they should just be a small part of it. Try and make a conscious effort as to when you should/can be on your phone, and when it might be better to put it down. Now more than ever is a time to be present!