I've been swimming since I was 3 years old, and there has never been a dull moment. Swimming is an amazing sport, full of great moments that everyone should try at least once in their lives. Even though it's an individual sport, the sense of community you'll feel is super strong, being apart of a team is always fun! With the Olympics coming up, swimming is sure to be in the spotlight soon, so why not get a head start on joining in on the sport? Here are some reasons why you should swim.
1. You don't have to be good at every stroke.
Even though there are four strokes in swimming, you don't have to be as good as Michael Phelps in every race. You can pick and choose your events leaving you with many options!
2. You and your relay become a little family!
After swimming race after race together, it's hard not to. You and your relay will know who swims which stroke in no time and will cheer each other on with all of your heart!
3. During the Olympics, you get to brag about how good the USA is at swimming.
It's not often the swimming community is recognized, but if there is a time for the USA it's the Olympics! When it comes to swimming, the USA is the best. We take the gold and silver in pretty much every event, and it's such a moment of pride knowing that someone from your country is up on the platform receiving the gold medal.
4. You're basically a mermaid.
Your butterfly kick can finally be put to use, and you can hold your breath longer than any of your friends!
5. You'll always win Sharks & Minnows as well as other pool games.
Because of your strength and confidence built up in the water, you basically always win at pool games. If you're a sore loser like I am, then this is an amazing opportunity!
6. You can eat as much you want.
After all the hours put into training, you can come home and eat your parents out of house and home without any consequences. Even though it's a lot of work, swimming has amazing payoff when it comes to how much you can eat!