Over the years I have heard different opinions on if someone should keep a bucket list. I have always kind of had one; I knew my big dreams and I kept all the other things in my head for another day. One day I started typing them out, and then that Google Doc went where all the ones you forget about go. But recently I realized how important something like a bucket list is. So I began to write my own down. Along the way I came up with these reasons why you should have a bucket list, too.
1. Why not
I have never actually heard a good argument on why we shouldn’t have a bucket list. “It’s morbid.” How is it morbid to find the best things in your entire imagination that you could dream of doing? It isn’t about disappointment when you can’t check it off, it's about the laughter just thinking about it, the smile you get on your face, the dreams you create.
2. You should never stop dreaming
I feel as though adults start to believe that they can’t dream big once they get to a certain age, like they have done all they can do and dreaming of more would be silly. There is no age limit on dreams! I hope that I am dreaming everyday for the rest of my life because my dreams are what I strive for, and why stop pushing your life to the limit?
3. The smiles you create while making it
Before this article, my bucket list was something small written in my head and a couple things typed out on a long-lost Google Doc. But I realized something as I was writing this -- having a bucket list in your head isn’t enough. Write (or type) it all out! You will feel yourself smiling through the whole thing, smiling of the memories you can create, the dreams you are creating, and the laughs you will have along the way.
4. It’s your chance to see what you want in life
I have some friends who all they’ve wanted their whole life is to have a family full of children and a happy marriage. Then I have friends that want to travel the world, go on crazy adventures and never have to settle down. Then I have friends who aren’t really sure what they want (that is also me). But one thing I realized as I was creating my bucket list is it shows you what you truly want. Your bucket list is full of your dreams, things you want to do before you die, your best case scenario. I always said I would never get married, but as I wrote out my bucket list, there was No. 16: Marry My Best Friend. (Cheesy, I know)
5. Creates fun adventures to go on with friends
Instead of sitting in your house with friends saying “What do you want to do?” speak up! Bring up something on your bucket list, because I bet many of your friends may share those dreams. Or if they didn’t before, they do now. It will create some of the best memories, and you did something you never were able to do. Also, it gets you and your friends out of the house.
6. You can be as cliche as you want, and love it
People tend to tease others for being "cliche" when they talk about what they want to do in their life. Things like going to Disney World, seeing the Eiffel Tower and getting married. But my bucket list is full of those things and I love it. Those things are so popular because they are big moments, moments that create memories, moments we grow up watching on TV and movies that are magical. So why can’t I wish for those moments as well? Live the life you want to live, and love it.