No one said being a Resident Assistant was easy; no one said it would be hard either. No one ever prepared me for any of the situations that I would be in within a matter of days of becoming an RA. Though I’ve held many easier and simpler jobs throughout my three years as a college student, I can undoubtedly say that being a Resident Assistant has been the most rewarding job. There are many reasons as to why being an RA is the most rewarding job, it’s different for every RA, but here are a few reasons why I think it is.
1. Growing as an individual
If I never became an RA, I don’t know where I would be today. I have become a more responsible and understanding individual. When I look back to my time as a normal student, I was focused on friends, school and unimportant things. I don’t even remember what I did with my free time. As soon as I accepted the position, my life completely changed. I learned so much about others and myself as an RA. I have grown into a stronger and more prepared woman because of everything that I have faced.
2. Changing residents' lives
When I sit in the lobby of my hall, I am able to look around and see all the friendships that were made possible. I do my best to make a safe environment for my residents. As an RA, my goal is to get students to leave their rooms and experience what college has to offer. Without RAs, students wouldn’t be able to reach their full potential. I, as well as the other RAs, know that it only takes a little push to get some students to do great things. With others, RAs know that we just need to give a little tender love and care to show them that they are worth everything college has to offer. We show them just how special they are and what they're meant to be.
3. Bonding with hundreds of people
It’s weird to walk down the street going to class when someone you don’t really know calls out to you. I have left an impression on kids that aren’t my residents, students that I’ve only met once through my residents. Even as the next year unfolds and I am given a new batch of students, the old ones always find their way back to me because we have created a strong bond through trust. That’s an experience that only RAs get to have, and it is a wonderful feeling to be loved campus-wide.
4. Making friends for life
Once I accepted the RA position, a lot of my friends treated me differently. But now, I realize that it doesn’t matter. I’m surrounded by a large body of people that have the same goals as me, that understand me, and that know exactly what I am going through each and every day. Being an RA means that you’ve got hundreds of friends that become your family and support system, something that other jobs never offered me.
5. Never getting bored
At many jobs, work gets boring. As an RA, the job never stops. It becomes a part of who you are and what you’re meant to do throughout college. That means, there is never a dull moment. Residents come to you 24/7 for advice or because they need a friend. But, I guess that just means that you’re never alone. Being an RA is lonely sometimes, but when you look around, you’re never alone. Students are always willing to do something during the night. All we as RAs have to do is take that opportunity to make some amazing memories.
6. Feeling accomplished
At the end of a long year, I can take a step back and look at how much my residents have grown. When they are packing up to leave, they come up to me and thank me for everything that I’ve ever done. Nothing warms my heart more than when they finally figure out that everything I’ve done all year was to keep them safe and teach them how to be a better person. I can finally see that I did my job, and I did it right. I can finally feel like I did something important. I feel accomplished.
Being an RA is a hard job; it is full of ups and downs. But it is completely different than any other job students can have throughout college. It is a life-changing career that brings out the best in you. It has allowed me to make connections with so many people and provided me with memories that I will never replace. I’ve realized that I shape my students’ lives just as they shape mine. As an RA, I am able to take a step back see just how much I have done for myself and for my kids. Seeing the impact I’ve made on them is what makes being a Resident Assistant the most rewarding job in college.