Throughout my life, I have seen again and again why my pets are better than people. I'm here to share my findings because I'm sure I'm not the first to think this.
1. They are always happy to see you
It doesn't matter if you've been gone five minutes or five days, your pets are always excited to see you come home. Not only is it absolutely adorable, but it's a real confidence booster to see that someone likes you enough to get that excited by your appearance!
2. They're loyal
Pets don't cheat. Pets don't lie. Pets don't talk crap about you behind your back. They may chew up your shoes or scratch your furniture, but the guilt on their faces afterwards is enough to know they don't mean it.
3. They won't tell your secrets
Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash
Pets are the best confidants because they will never tell your secrets. That may be because they can't, but it's still good reassurance knowing you can spill your guts to your pets and it will never leave the room.
4. Cuddling a pet is infinitely better than cuddling a human
Yep, this is me and one of my babies
Ashley Dickerson
Pets are soft and furry and have a lot more cushion than humans. Cuddling with my cats is so much cozier than cuddling with my boyfriend. (oops)
5. They don’t cause drama
Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash
You will never find a friend/significant other that doesn’t cause/bring SOME type of drama in your life. You can easily find pets that don’t/can’t add any extra drama to your life.
6. They’re easy to read
Ashley Dickerson
If my cat is angry/uncomfortable, she’ll bite me. If my dog is happy/excited, he’ll wag his tail. There’s no hiding their emotions like humans do, making it infinitely easier to give them what they need.
7. You can lock them in your room without getting charged for kidnapping
Ashley Dickerson
If I want to spend time with my pets, they don’t really have a choice. All I have to do is lock them in my room and they’ll be stuck with me. If I do that to my boyfriend it would be “inappropriate” and “illegal”.
Ashley Dickerson
I mean, come on. No person can be as cute as my pets, sorry.