I don't know why it's frowned upon to take naps after school or work - if you do it right, you will wake up more alert, creative, and in a better mood. Here are some tips on how to take the best afternoon nap.
1. Depending on how long you rest, naps provide different benefits.
Short, 20 minute naps improve concentration and general alertness, while longer, 90 minute naps strengthen creativity. Depending on what you're looking for, you should adjust your nap time accordingly.
2. Sleep in a dark place.
Light, even artificial light from TVs or phones, can prohibit you from sleeping to your fullest and make it harder to fall asleep, wasting more time than you need to. Sleeping masks are a definite live saver for naps right around 4pm to 5pm when the sun is still bright in the sky.
3. Background noise is helpful.
It's better that they're subtle and soft, so I recommend looking into some playlists on Spotify that provide nature sounds or instrumental music for a perfect nap.
4. If you nap too close to your actual bedtime, it will just make it harder for you to fall asleep.
I know that if I nap around 7pm, I will wake up around 12 a.m. and have trouble falling back asleep. Therefore, try to keep naps far away from the evening hours.
5. Try to nap at the same time everyday.
It helps balance your body's inner clock and will maximize the great outcomes of nap-taking.
6. Don't feel lazy just because you have the urge to sleep.
After a long day's work or a hard day at school, everyone feels tired, and forcing yourself to push on will just decrease your productivity and make your work less effective.
As long as your naps are regulated and timed to whatever suits you best, you can reap great benefits from them.
Nap away, my friends!