Since I was a child, my immediate family has often spent Thanksgiving dinner with our extended family in Dallas, Tex. I have a family of four, but when we join our other family members for dinner, we quickly realize how large our family actually is. There are aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, cousins, second cousins and the “I don’t know how I’m related to you, but I’m related to you” relatives galore.
With this many people it is necessary to break people up into separate tables. There’s the adult table, and well, there’s the kid table. Without fail, my 20-30 something year old cousins, my brother and I, are placed at the kids table each year. However, don’t get me wrong. I am not complaining. The kids table is way more fun than the adult table and here’s why:
1. Adults talk about boring things.
It's always politics, work or marriage and, well, I don’t really want to talk about those things as I’m feasting away at my turkey.
2. My older cousins know all the dirty dish on my dad.
They tell me stories of Rob in high school, Rob’s interactions with his brother, and of course, Rob when he met my mom.
3. I’m not judged for the amount of food I eat.
I load my plate up with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, jello, skip all the vegetables and then head right to the rolls.
4. I can be honest about what I share with them.
Because they’re older they always have some sort of advice on boys, school and any other life decisions.
5. Playing with food is acceptable when you sit at the kids table.
Wanna make a moat out of your gravy and mashed potatoes? Go for it.
6. We can be as loud as we want.
We laugh a lot at the kiddie table. Lots of jokes are made and therefore much laughter is present.
If you left it up to me I’d always choose the kids table. The adults always say when you’re married you get to move up to the big table. But, that hasn’t happened because like two of these cousins are married. Their husbands have just joined the kids' table though (The more the merrier ya know?) So, please, let me be a kid forever, if it means eating at the kiddie table. I wouldn’t trade the conversation, laughter and amounts of food for any other table.