This 24-year-old drop dead gorgeous girl is the next star of "The Bachelorette" on ABC. So many fans and even her costars agree that Joelle, also known as Jojo, is a very deserving star of this coming season. She is a clean cut woman who is a great role model for girls of all ages. ABC got lucky when they picked her for their next bachelorette and here is why.
1. Jojo is a hard worker.
Jojo is all about being a strong individual. She owns her own real estate development company. She is successful with or without a man. She also comes from a good business background and strong family success.
2. She is super close with her family.
We all saw her brothers act not so fondly towards Ben on "The Bachelor," but can you imagine how they will act now that she has 25 guys chasing after her. Even though they may be a little over protective, Jojo cares just as much about them as they do about her. She also loves her parents a whole lot, who happen to both be doctors.
3. She has a great sense of humor.
On "The Bachelor," she stepped out of the limo with a unicorn head on. Can you say, hilarious?? Her biography on ABC also states that two of her favorite movies are "Wedding Crashers" and "Clueless." She’s the right amount of girly and comical.
4. She loves her dog.
And her future fiancé needs to as well. Her brown german shorthaired pointer, named Jackson, is her favorite friend and her future fiancé must love him as well. She consistently posts about him on Instagram.
5. She is adventurous.
As we saw on "The Bachelor," Jojo was never shy to a new opportunity. She seems to enjoy just getting out and doing anything. Whether it be swimming with pigs or playing catch at Wrigley Field she is always up for something new.
6. Jojo loves Jesus.
Her strong faith is something to be admired. She knows that God has a plan for her when it comes to love and she is willing to accept that Ben was not in His plan. She also isn't shy about letting others know about her faith as well. Jojo avidly shares bible verses on social media as well as telling ABC that if she could go to lunch with three people dead or alive that one of them would be Jesus. One of my favorite things about her is that she reads Jesus Calling, which is a daily devotional that I highly recommend.
Personally, I find Joelle the most relatable bachelorette in the history of the television show. She loves pizza yet works out. She is shamelessly obsessed with her dog like most of us are. She loves her family and loves to have a good laugh. Joelle Fletcher might just be the best Bachelorette yet.