6 Ethical Dilemmas Pertaining To NC's House Bill 2 | The Odyssey Online
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6 Ethical Dilemmas Pertaining To NC's House Bill 2

If you believe in equality then why would you hamper it?

6 Ethical Dilemmas Pertaining To NC's House Bill 2

On March 24th of 2016 a bill was passed in North Carolina which will not only hamper the rights of transgender individuals but could theoretically hamper the rights of the LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, plus) community as a whole. Honestly whenever I had first heard about this scenario I was confused. I had assumed that due to the legalization of same sex marriage last year that law makers would not dare to even consider passing such a bill. I am still livid about the whole situation and as such I have compiled a list of six reasons as to why I feel the people of North Carolina should step in and appeal so that the bill may hopefully be overturned. I do apologize if this topic offends any readers. My intention in writing this article however is to express

1. In Georgia a similar bill was proposed.

This bill however was vetoed by the governor of Georgia. While this may just be coincidental the fact that this happened at all could imply a pattern of similar laws in the near future.

2. Whereas Mississippi has passed a bill that goes against the executive order which President Barack Obama passed just last year.

In a similar vein to a certain controversy involving wedding cakes, the state of Mississippi has passed a bill allowing individuals and certain entities to participate in actions which are immensely discriminatory towards LGBT+ individuals. Some of the actions include but may not necessarily be limited to: allowing the denial of wedding services to same sex couples; certain businesses will be allowed to place mandates on bathroom access in a similar manner to House Bill Two; and foster parents will legally be allowed to admit children in their custody into facilities specializing in "Conversion Therapy".

3. The bill sensationalizes a non-existent threat

One of the reasoning's behind the bills passing is supposedly to "protect women and children from sexual predators". As to this reporters knowledge there has not been a single instance in history where a person has identified as transgender with the intent to harm a cisgender individual using the same restroom.

4. Conversely the bill could endanger more people than it protects.

Transgender individuals have actually been assaulted for using the restroom that matches their gender identity. A recent case from 2014 involved a 15 year old transgender male.

5. It is extremely similar to segregation

At one point in history there were separate restrooms for Caucasians and for African Americans. Just as race and ethnicity are seen as biological by science, Modern psychology considers gender identity to be biological as well.

6.Five individuals were taken into custody while peacefully assembling.

According to the first amendment of the United States Constitution individuals have the right to peacefully assemble.

I truly hope this is just a a small hindrance in the LGBT+ civil rights movement, and that we as a nation can move past these trivial matters and support equality in all of its forms.

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