The Nickelodeon television show, "Drake and Josh" is one of the most iconic childhood show for all early 2000’s kids. 90s kids around the world grew up with the show and remained loyal until the very end. When it was canceled for good, tears were shed. But why was it so relatable? What was the secret to the show’s success? I’ll break down exactly why Drake and Josh will remain the best show I’ve ever watched.
1.They perfectly summed up your relationship with your siblings.
There were probably times in your younger years when you screamed your sibling’s name on the top of your lungs. Drake and Josh’s relationship with Megan playfully demonstrated the constant arguments that you lived with every day. It made you feel a little better about your situation since you don’t have to deal with your sister gluing you to a chair or putting dirt in your brownies.
2. They showed you how to deal with a hectic work environment.
Looking back, I realize that I appreciate Crazy Steve even more now than when I was a kid. Most people can relate to having one insane coworker who you could never understand. Josh certainly had his share of difficult times when he was working at the movie theater. Even his boss Helen didn’t appreciate him. The show successfully captured the feeling of being frustrated at work while maintaining a hilarious atmosphere.
3. They captured the awkwardness of your high school relationships.
First relationships, especially in high school, are usually a bit awkward, and Josh’s relationship with Mindy was no exception. Even though they had their ups and downs, they displayed a realistic young love that was prominent in real life. From their intense competitive nature to the time when they finally admitted their love for each other, we couldn’t help but compare them to our own school friends.
4. They represent different types of students.
When watching the show, it’s easy to tell that Josh is the studious overachiever while Drake lacks Josh’s enthusiasm. This decision is not only done for comedic effect, but it also allows for many types of students to connect to Drake and Josh’s lives. Even though Josh studies hard and gets good grades, he still runs into problems at school. Overachievers sometimes feel they should be perfect at everything in life, but Josh shows that sometimes events happen that are out of his control. He has to learn to deal with these events no matter how stressful they are at the moment. On the other hand, Drake represents the group that school doesn’t come easy to, but shows us that there is more to his life than being book smart. With his passion for music, Drake is still able to work hard to achieve his dreams.
5. They showed us that hard work pays off.
Drake and Josh constantly get themselves into sticky situations, many of which require them to go to great lengths to fix their mistakes. No matter what they have to do, they work at it until it’s resolved. Whether it’s helping foster children have the best Christmas ever, or rebuilding a tree house that they accidentally destroyed, they use their resources and best efforts to get themselves out of their mess.
6. They taught us about teamwork.
The two brothers are always together and wouldn’t be able to complete some of their stunts without each other. Despite their stark differences, they successfully work together towards a common goal throughout each episode. Nothing pulls at the heartstrings more than the episode when Josh decides he’s done associating himself with Drake. This has a negative impact of Drake however, and Drake realizes that he needs Josh in his life. They can’t function without each other, and their bond becomes even stronger after this realization. Even though they don’t always get along, they know that their relationship is significant and that they must stick together no matter what gets in the way.
Through thick and thin, the boys taught us more than how to laugh hysterically. Drake and Josh will always remain the best television show in history. I don’t know about you, but I’m still waiting for a comeback.