Since the day I entered high school my freshman year everyone older than I was claimed I would miss it. They said high school would be the best time of my life. Don’t get me wrong, high school had its moments where I made good memories, but I’ve made some great ones in college too. High school had so many bad chapters in it that made college seem so frightening. If High school was supposed to be the best time of my life then college would be terrible, right? Wrong, college has been awesome and I can’t wait for what the future has to bring. Here are some reasons that I don’t miss high school:
High school is filled with drama. From friends to boyfriends/girlfriends someone always has to gossip or just act immaturely. College is a whole different ball game. It’s like when everyone got to college they matured and realized how to just be friendly.
How you look plays a big role in popularity. In high school I felt pressured to do my make-up, hair, and dress nice every day. I felt the need to try and impress everyone. When I got to college I didn’t feel judged by my appearance. I didn’t need to dress a certain way or look a certain way to fit in. There weren’t cliques anymore to try and impress. I could just be myself.
Dress codes
I went to a high school with no air conditioning, with a dress code that shirts couldn’t go below the arm pits, shoulders could not show, and shorts couldn’t go above the fingertips. It gets unbearably hot in that building, but boys may get distracted if I break the dress code. Although, somehow in college it’s as if boys don’t get distracted by seeing our shoulders anymore.
Waking up early
I used to get up at 6 in the morning for high school and by the time I got home I was so tired. It was a different world going to college where I got to pick my classes and not start till later in the day.
Fake friends
I had my fair share of fake friends in high school. Once you graduate and you don’t see your “friends” everyday anymore you realize who your real friends are. In high school it was hard to make new friends because everyone had known each other for years. College is awesome because I got to be the person I wanted to be. When everyone first gets to college they’re looking to make friends, it was the perfect opportunity to start over.
Being Dependent
In high school I had to depend on my parents for a lot of things like money, food, and shelter. Going to college I got to be independent and fend for myself. I made my own decisions and it really opened my eyes as to how much my parents do for me.
There’s such a misconception about high school, no matter how old you are or where you are in your life, the best times will be the ones that you make the best. Don’t let anyone tell you that you “peaked” in high school.