We're coming up on my dog's 10th birthday. So, in the spirit of celebrating pups, here's a list of reasons dogs are so lovable.
Side note: I just spent the better part of an hour looking at videos and pictures of dogs, so needless to say, this was an incredible article to write.
1. Puppies
Yes, puppies can be a pain. Training your pup isn't the funnest, sure, but think of the bonding experience! And how can you blame 'em, really? They are new creatures on this Earth, and they're trusting us to guide them and care for them. And just look at how smol.
2. Old Dogs
My girl, Andi (pictured below), is getting up there in age and it shows. She's always laying down, and won't get up unless she thinks it's worth it. Her sleek black fur, has flecks of grey that are especially prominent on her face/snout. Her eyes are glossy and she probably has cataracts. But older pups are so sweet and loving.
Old dogs are particularly special when they've been with you since puppyhood. Andi is my best pal, mostly because we've spent half of my life together. She knows when I'm sad and she comforts me. She freaks out when I come home on breaks. I just love her a lot. Old dogs are great.
3. They're So Silly
Puppy or not, dogs are funny. They do silly things all the time and they don't even know. Who needs TV when you have a dog? Prime entertainment.
4. They're Beautiful
From their eyes, to their fur, to the way they love. Dogs are just beautiful creatures.
5. You Can Admire Them From Afar in Public and It's Not Creepy
I think this point speaks for itself.
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6. They Love You Unconditionally
My 3 year old cousin was getting annoyed with my dog, Matilda (pictured below), and locked her in her crate. If it were me and this kid had basically put me in jail, I'd probably be like "dude wth". But no. All she wanted to do was love him and be with him regardless of his actions.
Your dog doesn't care that you screwed something up at work or got into a fight with your parents, or whatever else you're stressing about. Yeah, sure, they don't really know what's going on, but ignorance is bliss and if that bliss is translated as unconditional love, I'm here for it. Here's a cute vine if you want more proof that dogs love us.