As you grow older, you realize that your close knit family is your biggest blessing. Despite family being a typical family and occasionally driving each other crazy, you all still love each other. Growing up you may not have noticed, but there are so many reasons that make your big crazy family, the most important people in your life.
1. Your family is big but still close.
Despite having uncles, aunts, and cousins galore, everyone manages to keep up with one another and stay in touch.
2. It has been the same exact people at every event since birth.
Your aunt and uncle are your godparents and your their child's godparent. It goes on and on. Somehow almost every person is the family is one another's godparent or godchild.
3. Good food is always guaranteed.
Whether it is your grandma's recipe for her famous cookies, or your uncle's famous mac and cheese. You have grown up with the same food staples your whole life.
4. You are all intermingled godparents.
Your aunt is your godmother and you're her daughter's godmother. Everyone is someone else's godparent.
5. When you have your family reunion, it is always a good time.
When all the cousins and extended family come into town, you will most likely be catching up and taking group pictures until the early hours of the night.
6. No matter what, you will always love your close family.
Your family has all grown up with each other and faced the same obstacles throughout life. These obstacles have brought all of the members closer together and no matter how crazy life gets, you know you will always have a group of people to fall back on. A close-knit family is a special family!