At the start of my freshman year, I was excited to be living on my own. I looked forward to sharing a room with someone other than my sister, meeting new people, having new experiences. However, as the course load got harder and the amount of work I had to do became overwhelming; I started my official countdown to break. My top six reasons I look forward to breaks, in no particular order, are:
1. I get free laundry at home.
You have waited to the last possible moment to do laundry piling on the number of loads You had to do. When you are a broke college student with a limited income. The change spent doing these loads adds up over time. Breaks allow you to do your laundry for free, or even have it done by a doting family member.
2. You no longer have to eat the disgusting café food.
There was a period of time when you survived off of cereal because everything else induced vomiting. You looked forward to breaks, in order to cleanse your palette with edible food, whether a home-cooked meal or the food you have been craving for the last month.
3. You no longer had to ask every passing dog walker to pet the puppy.
Reconnecting with pets fills the urge to scratch the belly of every furry friend you see on campus. You look forward to seeing your pet’s reaction to seeing you after spending time apart.
4. You actually miss your family.
Even if they get on your nerves, you still miss them. You look forward to telling them about all your independent college adventures. Also, find clever ways to show how smart you are. You get to be around the people who are predisposed to love you.
5. You get to reconnect with your best friends.
You get to spend much need time with your other half. You can tell them all the stories that your sibling could use as blackmail. They understand your weird behavior.
6. You have access to reliable wifi.
You no longer have to pray that your internet will work. You no longer experience the dreaded buffering. You can finally make it through the whole season on the show you have been trying to watch all semester. You have less of a risk of having all ofyour accounts hacked.