College. It is an incredibly stressful, yet amazing time of our lives. We learn so much about who we are and who it is that we want to be. Sometimes its fun and awesome, but it can also be unbelievably scary and intimidating. You are uprooted from a place you spent most of your life and where you knew almost everyone, to a new place where you know nobody. Here are some quotes that every college student needs to read.
1.“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”- Vincent Van Gogh
At one point or another along this journey, you may think that you cannot do what it is that you set your heart on, it may all get to be too much. But believe me, you can do this. Prove that voice, and anybody else who says that you cannot do it, wrong.
2. "Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't the way they actually are." - John Green
Be very weary of the wolf in sheep's clothing. You may think someone is one person, and we create this beautiful image of them in our minds, only to turn around and be blindsided completely by who it is that they truly are. Always remind yourself, that everyone can be good, and most people are, but there always is a little bit of bad in everyone too. Just measure how much of the bad you can take into your life.
3. "I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formal for failure, which is: Try to please everybody." - Herbert B. Swope
Please yourself before you please anyone else. Try as you might, it is physically impossible to make every person in your life happy, you can not be successful by making everybody else happy. Happiness is the key to success, so put your happiness first.
4. “Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher.” - Oprah Winfrey
Do you have somebody in your life that constantly brings you down? Do you never find yourself smiling when you are around them? Do they only bring negativity in your life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please cut that toxic person out of your life. They are only holding you back in a time where you should be thriving.
5. "Anger is like milk, it should not be kept too long." -Phyllis Bottome
Sometimes, we just need to channel our inner Elsa and let it go. There is no use in holding in anger, it just stresses you out, and we are at a time in our lives where we have high levels of stress, don't add more to it by being angry with someone over something stupid.
6. "I didn't leave because I stopped loving you, I left cause the longer I stayed, the less I loved myself"- Rupi Kaur
Put. Yourself. First. Don't you dare be with someone who makes you fall out of love with yourself. If they do not love and respect you for the beautiful human being that you are, somebody else will. Don't waste your time on toxic people.