Being an English major comes with a lot of prodding questions and curiosities from people who, more often than not, do not see the value of being an English major.
1. Do you want to teach?
This is the most commonly asked question, as if to say that is all English majors are good for. Although teaching is a gratifying occupation, people inherently categorize us English majors as teachers, not cogitating how many job opportunities there really are for us, since essentially all companies need people who know how to write well.
2. What are you going to do with your degree?
Well, since I'm not going to teach, I bet you’re wondering what I’m going to do with my degree next. The answer is simple: anything. English majors can pursue further education in MFA programs and Law schools, or find jobs related to, hopefully, our topics of interest.
3. Have you started writing a book yet?
Some of us English majors are more disciplined than others when it comes to our writing. With that being said, not every English major is an aspiring novelist with a brilliant manuscript sitting on our desk. We’re still figuring it out.
4. Would you mind taking a look at something I’m working on?
That depends. Some of us do mind. If you need someone to help you make edits to your paper, consult a tutor!
5. How do you spell …?
Just because I’m an English major doesn’t mean I’m the greatest speller in the world. It just means I am not shy whatsoever when it comes to using dictionaries; maybe you should invest in one.
6. That’s your homework?
Simple. As English majors we take peer editing, reading assignments, and our weekly papers very seriously. So, please do not scowl at our coursework, which requires an ineffable amount of abstract thinking, time management, and practice.