Lately, everything that you see on social media new remarks that Trump is making about #takeaknee and how the NFL should be boycotted. While yes, the protest against the national anthem is important to a lot of people, the President of our country should not be so fixated on it. Here is a list of things that Donald Trump should be spending his time on instead.
1. The current situation in Puerto Rico
Everyone knows that hurricane Maria just swept through the small U.S. territory and horrible damage has been done to the island. Currently, there is NO working energy, and thousands are left homeless with no resources. Thankfully, many celebrities and organizations have set up fundraisers to help get Puerto Ricans back on their feet. So Trump, how about you take time to help our brothers and sisters that are all AMERICAN CITIZENS and give them aid to help them through this terrible disaster?
2. Global warming
Everyone has to be feeling the crazy weather that we have been having. Say what you want about global warming being "fake" or a "hoax" but there is NO denying that we are having WAY hotter weather than we were even ten years ago. So how about you enter back into The Paris Acord and at least try to motivate us Americans to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, Mr. President?
3. Email scandals
Remember back when Hillary Clinton was ridiculed by Donald Trump for using a personal email account? Well, his own flesh and blood have just done the same thing. Both Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, were just found guilty of using personal email accounts when discussing official White House business. Now Mr. Trump, why don't you focus on ensuring that your administration officials are abiding by the same rules that you accused Hillary of breaking.
4. Public Speeches
Everyone has had to have heard at least some part of a speech that Donald Trump has given over the course of the past few years. Remember when he was accused of stealing lines of his speech from the movie "Legally Blonde"? As embarrassing as that is for him, sadly his speeches have no improved. When listening to him speak, I find myself wishing he at least had a more broad vocabulary. I mean how many times can you use adjectives that I learned in elementary school? At the very least, get some new content to talk about. Everyone knows you won the election and that you are so much better than "crooked Hillary".
5. Health Care
Since you have tried to repeal and replace Obama Care, you have people in your own political party that are voting against you. It's not to say that The Affordable Care Act had zero flaws, but to completely take away citizens health care that keeps them alive is inhumane. If you really want to "Make America Great Again" how about you give people the health care that they deserve Donald.
6. The reason behind #takeaknee
Yes, this is very controversial. I am in no way saying by me supporting this protest that taking a knee means disrespecting the brave men and women that fight for our country. I am eternally grateful for those that risk their lives for us, however, the motive behind this protest is to prove the inequality that people still face to this day. Maybe you could actually focus on making everyone feel equal and address the issues that we still face TO THIS DAY when it comes to racism. Perhaps we could really tackle this issue if we had a president that was not a narcissistic racist.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It