One of the things that makes America so great is unity. We are "One Nation", but it seems to me like everyone is forgetting that. It also seems to me like the people of America are forgetting small things that matter, like respect. Over the course of the last few days I have been watching people post terrible things on social media. Usually I would just tell them my opinion right there, but since there were so many of them, I thought I'd take this opportunity to show my fellow American's just how disappointed I am in them.
Not standing for the National Anthem has become a huge form of protest, starting with the Black Lives Matter movement and now this. This is absolutely ignorant on so many levels. For one, it has nothing to do with your president or whether or not you think you're being oppressed. Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner", originally titled "The Defense of Fort McHenry", after he watched the fort be bombarded by the British during the War of 1812. Key was on a ship, and when he woke the next morning and looked through the porthole upon Fort McHenry there was smoke everywhere and you could smell the destruction but the flag was still flying. This song was about unity. It's about how soldiers stood together and risked their lives so that we could be where we are today. The flag was still flying, tattered and torn, but strong.
I feel like that is more important now than ever. America is tattered and torn but if we come together and put all this anger (and ignorance) behind us we can fly above the destruction, stronger than ever.
I think this is the only election I've seen where you've been completely degraded as a person based off of who you vote for. If you voted for Trump your a woman hating, racist and if you voted for Hillary you're a baby murderer. I think that people are forgetting that more than that went into this election. And that just because you voted for that person doesn't mean you agree with every law they want to pass, or comment they've ever made. It also blows my mind that people aren't taking the time to learn about the things Trump wants to enforce. For one, it is already against the law to be in America without the legal documentation and approval. Already illegal. We just seem to look past it as if that law was implemented for no reason, and isn't really important. Now I'm not saying all of Trump's plans are realistic and not a little much but all he wants to do is enforce a law we already have. Everyone knows that is a law, regardless of their feelings about it and you can't get mad when a president wants to enforce it. Nor should you attempt to make others feel badly based on their opinion.
Many of the rude things that I want to talk about are directed towards Hillary Supporters who are mad, however I find this tweet particularly annoying because to me it is so important for us to come together. Unity is what makes a great country, a great country, You can't fight a war divided. Win or lose, agree or disagree it is vital that we stand together, as one.No matter who we voted for, we are now under the same president, in the same country and we need to recognize that and move on to "Make America Great Again."
The most annoying and ignorant thing being said right now, in my opinion, is that Donald Trump is "not my president" for the sole fact that he IS your president. And you should respect him. I think that this fight for "equality" everyone is fighting has gone to their heads and they've forgotten that wanting to be treated as equal to someone of different race, and sexuality is one thing but you are not equal to your president, just as you are not equal to your boss, or your parent and just as you should respect them, you should respect him.
5. The Burning of the Flag
First of all, I just want to ask, how dare you? You're doing all of this because you think Donald Trump is going to ruin America. Because he's going to implement laws to regulate immigration, and because you think he's a racist and homophobic and he's just going to ruing your life. Get over it. You don't deserve to have the right to vote, or live in America. That flag that you're burning is a symbol of where we come from, where we are, and where we're going. Well, not were you're going. You can go straight to hell. I understand it's your right, sure, protest away. But think about the fact that you're the one making America look like crap, you're the one destroying the country, you're the one ruining what chance of unity we have left. You. Not Trump, you and your hatred and your ignorance. You wanted PEACE, am I right? That's why you were voting for Hillary? Now you're the one making peace impossible. That flag represents our nation as a whole, it's a symbol of our grace and our loyalty. Throw your temper tantrum with something else, you ungrateful brat.
Now, there are many things I could end this with. There are plenty of other posts that showed how awful the people of this country have become, but I thought that this was just the best thing. Here are grown adults making death threats at not just the next president, but at someone's husband, someone's father. I feel like if nothing else shows how the people of America have lost their minds, their conscience, their humanity, then this will. I hope that all of these comments are taken seriously and that each and every one of the people who threaten the president's life will be charged with a terrorist act and thrown in jail. These heartless, empty shells, of people deserve nothing less.