There are thousands of toxins that we breathe in every day. These toxins can cause cancer and make it difficult for those with chronic respiratory problems. While many buy air purifiers for their homes, these devices can cost hundreds of dollars and take up room, especially in small houses or cramped offices. Fortunately, you can invest in a more practical and natural way to detox the air around you.When NASA conducted their Clean Air Study in 1989, they realized how certain plants were excellent in detoxifying the air. While plants have been known to detox certain chemicals found in the air, they are much more appealing to visitors as well.
1. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea sefrtizii)
The Bamboo Palm is known for being an easy plant to grow indoors since it prospers in the shade. The plant itself usually will usually grow between five to seven feet tall but can vary depending on the circumstances. What makes this palm so special is that it has been known to eliminate trichloroethylene and benzene. Trichloroethylene has been mostly used for a solvent to organic materials, but can also be found in dry cleaning. Trichloroethylene has also been linked to increased heart rates and irregular heart beats. As for benzene, the chemical can be found in tobacco smoke, gas stations, and exhaust. Benzene has been linked to affecting cells in bone marrow as well as fertility in women.
2. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
The Spider Plant, known for its long long leaves, is another house hold plant that is relatively simple to care for. The plant does not require a warm environment, so most households will be sufficient in providing the correct temperature. You should water the plant regularly as it matures, but once spring and summer come around, you will want to ensure the soil is kept wet. Chlorophytum comosum really knocks out formaldehyde out of the air for good. Known for removing 95 percent of the harmful chemical in 24 hours, this plant is sure to help your air. Without this plant, you may be exposed to formaldehyde through glues, insulation, and even disinfectants. Formaldehyde has been linked to cause cancer, burning in air passages, and skin irritations.
3. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)
This Asian native plant has also been known to help eliminate toxins from the air. The Rubber Plant requires more care than the other plants listed above and its leaves are also poisonous to animals. However, if you do decide to get this plant, make sure you provide a balance of shade to full sun exposure for this plant. As for toxins, the Rubber Plant removes carbon dioxide and acts as an anti bacterial plant by removing up to 60 percent of bacteria from the air.
4. Aloe Plant (Aloe vera)
Not only is this plant great for eliminating benzene and formaldehyde, but serves many other purposes as well. For one, the plant's gel inside the leaves can help heal burns. In fact, many sunburn care products are made from Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is also edible and serves many health benefits including helping arthritis, preventing tumors, and kidney stones. Ghandi was known to take Aloe Vera allowing him to withstand his long periods of fasting.
5. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
One of the most beautiful air filtering plants, the Peace Lily is able to remove benzene, trichloroethylene, and acetone. Acetone is known for being in paint thinners and nail polish remover. The chemical is known for irritating eyes, throats, and noses when exposed to the harmful chemical. While this plant does an efficient job to remove these chemicals, the plant is poisonous to animals as well as humans. This plant also requires more care than other plants, but may be worth it if you are seeking a more eye appealing plant.
6. English Ivy (Hedera helix)
This easy to care for plant is ideal for any household. The plant is known for eliminating mold, destroying carcinogens, and eliminating fecal particles. This plant also does not require much lighting and could be an ideal plant for any bathroom. Like the Aloe Vera plant, this plant can also be eaten. English Ivy can serve as an anti-inflammatory for respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma. The plant is also known to help those with gout and arthritis while providing aid to burns if applied to the affected area.