It’s amazing how as you get older, you’re more aware of how much growing up you still need to do. As I reflect back on my time in high school, I laugh at how mature I thought I was and at how I thought I had my whole life figured out. If your high school experience was anything like mine, those four years felt like a lifetime, and some days felt like the end of the world. So if I could go back and give myself some advice to make it through, here’s what I would say:
1. Dress However You Want
If you dress up every day you’re “looking for attention” but if you wear sweatpants you’re a “slob.” If you wear too many clothes you’re a “prude,” but if you don’t wear enough you’re “promiscuous.” So wear whatever makes you feel good and you’re most comfortable in. You’re walking down the halls of a public school, not a runway.
2. You're not going to find your soul mate
There isn’t much I have to say about this one except: you are worth far more than any boy’s opinion of you. So please don’t spend four years of your life looking for your confidence within a boy’s affections.
3. You’re smart and that’s OK
Pushing yourself academically to prepare yourself for college is not going to be the "cool" thing to do. In fact, people may make fun of you for it. But here's a little insider information: those kids aren’t making fun of you because you’re smart, they’re making fun of you because you make them feel inadequate and they’re looking for validation. So study away. They won’t be laughing when you’re their boss.
4. Not everyone is going to like you
My dad used to tell me "even if every person in the world liked you, there will still be one person that didn't simply for the fact that everyone else did." I wish I had taken this to heart because it is the best piece of advice he could have given me.
I didn't necessarily care about being popular, but I couldn't stand the thought of someone not liking me. Because of this, I acted differently around different groups of people so that I would fit in. I wasn't true to myself, and rather than coming across as a people-pleaser, I came across as fake. So in the end, it made more people dislike me than if I had just been myself.
5. Listen to your parents
I know it may seem like you know everything, and by turning 16, you think you’re an adult. Also, I know that you think your parents are out of touch with what’s “cool,” and maybe they are, but their years of wisdom can teach you much more than how to be popular. They know what they’re talking about when they warn you about a boy or tell you to do your homework before midnight. They know these things because they’ve made these mistakes themselves. Just try listening to what they have to say, you may be surprised by how much you’ll learn.
6. These are NOT the best days of your life
I don't care what anyone tells you, there are far better days ahead of you than your four years spent in high school. The person telling you that you're living your best days is probably some guy that hit his prime in high school when he was the quarterback and dated the cheerleader, and then never made it out of his hometown. DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. This is just the beginning of the long and wonderful adventure called life.