There are many different activities to partake in over the summer, one being swimming in a pool to cool off on hot summer days. Not everyone has a pool in their backyard, so to escape the hot summer day, they look for community pools to go swimming in. From the early morning until 8 at night, people come to swim and have a good time in the pool with their fellow members of the community. Parents are not worried about their children because they are being watched by the lifeguards that are on duty. Throughout the day, lifeguards all over are saying pretty much the same thing, and that is no running, but believe it or not that is not the only phrase that is said. Here are six phrases that lifeguard also have said thousands of times.
1. No, you cannot do a back flip into the pool!
The rules of the pool are written so that everyone can see them, but for some odd reason that still puzzles me, is that people still want to flip into the pool backwards! It might be OK for you to do that at your house, but not here! Not only could you severely hurt yourself, but that would also cause me to have to save you, which would then trail with loads of paper work to fill out!
2. There is no eating on the pool deck!
Really, people, do I have to read all of the rules out loud? They are printed for a reason! It's as if people don't even bother to read the sign when they come in! Not only are you making a mess for me to clean up after you leave, and crumbs could get into the pool. Also, if you choke guess who's going to have to help save you?
3. No running.
Seriously guys, the water isn't going anywhere, so there's no need to rush! The pool has water, which, if you did not know, is wet. So the surface, naturally, is going to be wet and slippery. For your safety and my benefit of not having to preform first aid on you, just walk! I promise you the pool will still be in the exact same place when you left.
4. If you cannot swim, then why did you go into the deep end?
I mean seriously, if you knew you could not swim why did you think you can go into the deep end? there is a reason why it is called the deep end. Stay in the shallow end where you can touch the bottom, its not that hard of a concept to grab!
5. You have to wear a life jacket, little ones.
Moms and dads, please make sure your little ones have a life jacket on if they can't swim. Especially if they cannot touch the ground in the shallow end! It will help them float and prevent them from drowning, and me having to jump in to save them! So just do us both a favor and wear the life jacket, kids!
6. Was that thunder? Please let it be thunder!
All right, time to close the pool down and go home (thank you)! Wait a minute, you guys are not getting out? Come on, people, it's thundering and lightning and you want to swim still? Nope. Not today. Let's go, everyone out of the pool!
Summer is a great time to relax and have fun at the pool! But for every pool that you go to, read the rules before you enter and abide by them so that you don't drive the lifeguards that are working crazy! They're out there so you can have a fun and safe summer day, so appreciate all that they do and potentially may have to do. It will make their day a lot better, and their summer much more enjoyable if everyone was appreciative and respectful to the rules of the pool!