Along with the new semester comes new classes. Many of these classes are "part two" of the class you took in the fall, so naturally, they're probably harder. Don't get caught up in the stress of the semester! I find myself being negative when I'm feeling a little hopeless in my studies or when I'm completely lost in a subject. But, in the fall semester, I changed my attitude. I decided I would change my negative thoughts into something positive that would potentially benefit me.
Here are some exchangeable phrases you can use instead of the negative ones you've been filling your head with!
1. "I give up."
Instead, try: "I may not get this right now, but I'll look at some strategies we went over in class and try again. And if I still don't understand, I'll look for help from a classmate or my professor."
2. "I wish I was as smart as _____."
Instead, try: "I want to work as hard as ____ does and I will be better than I used to be."
3. "It's good enough."
Instead, try: "This isn't my best work, so I'll keep pushing through and make it my best."
4. "I'm terrible at this and it's too hard."
Instead, try: "What am I missing and how can I get it?"
5. "I have time to do it later."
Instead, try "I have time to do it now and later, but if I push it to later then it won't be my best work and I'll only end up stressing myself out."
6. "I don't have time to be involved in _____."
Instead, try: "I think I can move some things around in my schedule to make time for ____ activity/club/organization. This will really benefit me and my future, so it's worth a little sacrifice of time."