I am the proud mom of an enormous Maine Coon/tabby mix named Kitty. Kitty currently resides with my own mom while I’m three hours away at college, and I MISS HIM SO MUCH. So I thought it would be fitting to write Kitty a little tribute and encourage others to get a Kitty of their own. You’re welcome.
1. Cat people are pretty cool: When you’re a cat mom, you meet other cat moms. This is an obvious perk, because cat people are awesome. Plus, you get to swap cat pictures/stories. It’s like what new moms of human babies do, except it’s one billion times better.
2. Cats help you manage stress: If you’re like me, everything is stressful. Talking on the phone with people you’ve known your whole life is stressful. Writing a one-page paper is stressful. But if you have a cat, you have a fluffy bundle of fluff to lay on whatever you’re working on and thus free you from the chains of adult responsibility. Temporarily. Actually though, it can be a relief when your cat sits his furry little butt on your stuff. Personally, it helps me take much-needed breaks from what I’m doing and give Kitty much-deserved attention.
3. You don’t need a significant other: If you have a cat and a happy relationship, you’re lucky. Most cat moms don’t have a human bae (hence the ‘crazy cat lady’ label), but that’s okay. Cats provide the all-in-one package. You want dinner and a movie? Do what I do: make your dinner, and feed your cat once it’s done. Voila, you’re having dinner together. Then put on whatever movie your little heart desires, and if your cat is like Kitty, they’ll come sit on the couch with you. Bonus: you don’t have to wear a bra when you’re on a date with your cat.
4. SO MUCH LOVE IN ONE POOFY BALL: I realize that Kitty is odd in the fact that he is quite affectionate. However, I would like to point out that because cats are so busy plotting world domination, they have very little time for you and your silly human antics. But when they do have time to acknowledge your existence, they do so wholeheartedly. They may be biting your face, but it’s because they love your face. We just don’t understand their methods, and thus think that they are jerks. Let your cat love you the way cats are meant to love humans. It’s okay if it hurts.
5. You don’t have to leave the house: The clear perk of this is that pants are always optional if you’re at home. Cats don’t need to be walked or let outside, so if you’re really not feeling the whole pants or bra thing today, that’s okay. Your cat understands. No one is judging your messy bun here.
6. Cats are great judges of character: My family has owned a few dogs in my lifetime, and with each I’ve noticed a common trend: they seem to like everyone. It doesn’t matter if the person is very clearly a schmuck, your dog will probably like them. Dogs seem to only dislike people based on whether or not they feel the person is threatening. I’m not saying that this isn’t valuable; I’m saying that most of the time, it just isn’t necessary. Cats determine whether or not they like someone based on that person’s character, in my experience. Kitty has liked most people he’s met in the year and a half that he’s been with me, but not everyone. The people that Kitty doesn’t like are the kind of people no one wants to be around, so if my cat doesn’t like you, there’s a good chance I don’t like you either. #sorrynotsorry