Recently I dyed my hair teal (IT IS NOT GREEN, IT IS TEAL!) and with this had surfaced a great deal of controversy. I have had a lot of positive comments, such as liking the color or condoning me for such a bold decision. I have also had a great deal of negative responses as well. I'm sure anyone who has an abnormal hair color can relate with me on how annoying it is when we hear these SIX things.
1. Why did you dye your hair that color?
Why did you put on that shirt this morning? Why are you wearing those shoes? Why do you feel the need to ask such ignorant questions? Clearly you don't like it if the first thing you say about it involves questioning my motives. Why did I dye my hair this color? I freakin' felt like it!
2. Your hair is green
I am honestly starting to think I might be color blind because every time I think something is blue it is actually green. Although as far as my hair goes, the box said teal and I'm about 90% sure it is actually teal. I will give you a pass for the first time, but after I correct you with "it's teal" I would really appreciate you not coming back with "It's green" once again! Thanks!
3. You look like a smurf!
Life tip: never compare a characteristic of someone to a cartoon or inhuman creature. While being called a mermaid is not horrible, being called a smurf is. While you may laugh and think you are just kidding, remember this is my hair. Looks aren't everything but hair is pretty important!
4. You change your hair all the time!
I AM AWARE OF HOW OFTEN I CHANGE MY HAIR BECAUSE IT IS MY OWN HAIR. I appreciate your concern, but just let me make my own decisions even if I do end up bald, alright?
5. What color is it going to be next week?
Teal. Now go away.
6. Last but certainly not least...unwanted opinions
If I had to rate just how much I truly cared about whether everyone liked my hair or not let's just say I'm more concerned with literally anything else happening in the entire universe. I assure you the last thought on my mind when I purchased hair dye was, "Wow, I wonder if random acquaintances who I barely associate with will like this". If you don't like it, don't say anything. If we rarely talk, definitely don't say anything. I love it and that is all that matters.
And for the people who are curious about my locks, here's a picture.
Public service announcement that it is a great idea to think before you speak. You never know just how many people have made the same comment you are going to say. Be considerate and thoughtful! It is a great way to live.