This summer I will be studying abroad for three weeks in the beautiful country of Greece. I have been very fortunate and this summer will not be my first time studying abroad or leaving the country for a large period of time. My experience has left me feeling confident for my adventure ahead and the usual questions about logistics and packing are no longer in my mind. However, this is not the case for the other 14 girls traveling with me this summer. The last time we met as a group, my fellow travelers asked questions upon questions about one thing: packing. I'm hoping that the following six tips will help my companions and you- whether you are traveling around the country or globe.
1. Be realistic
You have to fit enough stuff in one suitcase weighing 50 pounds or less to last you for your entire trip. While we all want to look glamorous, recognize that you cannot pack your whole closet. I promise you three pairs of shoes will be enough: sneakers, casual shoes, and dressy shoes. You may have to re-wear stuff and that is OK.
2. Pack a single color scheme
Make sure everything goes together. You may have to re-wear articles of clothing but you won't want to re-wear the same outfit. When you pack clothes that all match together, you have variety. Mix and match your shirts, pants, and accessories. You will have more outfit options and who doesn't like that?!
3. Ziploc-Bags are your friend
Obviously you will place all liquids in Ziploc-bags. With air pressure changes and airline employees who are anything but gentle with your suitcases, it is entirely possible that one of your shampoo bottles will break open. While you may have to buy new shampoo, your trusty Ziploc-bags will prevent that liquid from leaking all over your stuff.
But why stop there? Put your make up in a bag, your socks, your underwear, everything that can fit! Plus when you're on location you can place your used articles in the bag to keep your clean clothes smelling fresh.
4. Use those travel size products
While they look small and may not seem worth it for a long trip, they totally are! You would be amazed how many showers you can get out of travel sized shampoos and conditioners or how many times you can brush your teeth with travel sized toothpastes. If you doubt their powers, buy the travel sized products and test out how long they last before your trip!
5. Make the most of your carry-on
Of course you are going to want to pack your electronics, magazines, books, and snacks for the plane but it is also important to be prepared. What if your luggage gets lost?! The travel rule that I always abide by: pack one day's worth of clothes and all of your "necessities" (ie phone charger, wallet, daily medications) in your carry on. Better safe than sorry.
6. Leave room in your suitcase for souvenirs
Yes, you have a 50 pound limit, but don't forget all of that stuff has to come back with you plus whatever you bought on location. As much as it matters what you bring with you, the souvenirs matter too. Those souvenirs will be there to remind you of your wonderful trip and memories.