Through the chaos of going back to school or heading to college for the first time, it seems like there is a rush to find all of the cutest dorm decor and figure out if you really do need your stash of 20 Comfort Colors shirts in the same color.
But amidst the packing lists upon packing lists of cleaning supplies and “must-haves” that you probably won’t end up using more than twice, there are a few other non-material things that can't be squeezed into your luggage but that are just as - or more - important to pack as you embark on some of the most formative years of your life.
1. An Open Mind
There is going to be a lot of change happening in your life in college - especially if you are going into your Freshman year. There will be so many opportunities for new experiences, brand new friendships, and new interests. Don’t close yourself off to these! Keep an open mind and an open heart and don’t knock something until you’ve tried it.
2. Courage
Piggy backing off of my last must-pack is something else you will need: courage. A dear friend of mine wrote in one of my graduation cards, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” And that has been one of my life mottos ever since.
With trying new things can come a sense of fear. A lot of us are prone to steer towards what is known and comfortable in life. But comfort doesn’t foster growth. So step outside of that comfort zone. Do something that scares you but that you've always wanted to try. I promise you, the times that I have done this have led to some of my greatest memories and strongest friendships.
3. A sense of your values
Obviously, these might change a bit as you learn and grow, but have a basic idea of what you value in life. You will be challenged and find yourself in situations and relationships that will test you, and these are the times when it is most important to know what you believe and what you stand for. Never feel pressured to stray from these things.
And, just because someone doesn’t have the same values as you doesn’t mean you can’t still be great friends with them or that they are bad people by any means - they are your values for a reason and they have their values for that same reason. But at the end of the day you need to do what is right for you and be true to yourself. This will alleviate a lot of unnecessary internal conflict.
4. The willingness to take responsibility for your actions
You are independent and that is a great thing! But with independence comes responsibility - so don’t just brush that off. Work hard, be safe, and try your best in all that you do.
You’re going to mess up - it’s inevitable - but that does not mean you’re a failure. Take responsibility for your actions, brush yourself off, and learn from your mistakes. If you don't do well in one class, don't feel like your future career is out of the picture. If you have one messy night, don't fret. One moment in time does not define you but offers you a chance to grow.
By using your mistakes as a learning experience, it will make it a thousand times easier to bounce back and keep moving forward.
5. An understanding that everything happens for a reason
Not everything is going to happen the way you expect it to and that can be seen as a good or a bad thing. I think college is one of those times where you just have to expect the unexpected. If you didn't get that internship you wanted or if someone falls out of your life, it's because something better is planned for you down the road.
A great saying is “Everything will be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it is not the end.” When things seem hopeless, know that one day you will look back and be amazed at how it all worked out.
6. Confidence
Okay, this is the hardest for me to insist upon, because I have trouble with bringing this with me to college. When you're surrounded with new people, it is so easy to compare yourself to everyone else and to sometimes just feel like you are not enough in a lot of ways. But you are enough.
One of the most beautiful things about college is the opportunity to be whoever you want to be. But that doesn’t mean you should try so hard to be someone who you're not. This is a fresh slate to be yourself, and I think that when you let go of what everyone else thinks and choose to focus on being the best version of yourself is when you find that confidence within.
Obviously, you're not going to know exactly who you are - a lot of college is for learning about yourself and finding yourself. And a lot of these things are easier said than done. But I can guarantee you that if you go into the year with these 6 things as a basic foundation, it will be a much smoother transition.
So try new things. See what you like and don’t like. Make mistakes but learn from them. And surround yourself with people who encourage you to be your best self - whatever and whomever that self may be.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again: These are the best four years of your life.