Every college student looks back on their academic year, wishing that they'd finished the semester with higher grades or less stress. Then every new semester we return, determined to make this year better than the last. With this in mind, here are six New Years Resolutions that every college student needs.
1. Less Junk Food, More Healthy Food
We all tend to get tired of eating cafeteria food during the semester, and then we turn to fast food because it's cheap. Instead, we should all try to stock up on healthy snacks and maybe try cooking in the dorm kitchen every once in awhile.
2. Exercise More
Exercising during the semester will help you feel better and release any pent up stress from class assignments. All you need is about 20 minutes a day of cardio, and that can be running, jogging, biking, and a few strength workouts every week. Here is a great resource for cardio and strength workout ideas!
3. Study, Study, Study
If you're a huge procrastinator like me, then you understand the struggle of making yourself sit down and read your notes from class. However, set aside some time every day to go over your notes from class and to prepare for tomorrow's classes as well. This will set you up for success the next day and help you remember material easier.
4. Stay Organized!
Keep your desk and your room relatively clean and organized. This will keep you from stressing over lost items and assignments, and will help you feel more relaxed as you continue through the semester.
5. Make 'To Do' Lists
Whether you make on every day, or a list for the entire week, 'To Do' lists will save your life if you're an extremely forgetful person. Write down class assignments, test dates, and meetings for projects on your list so that you don't miss a single thing.
6. Finally, Surround Yourself With Things You Love
Keep your friends close and have a good laugh together. Drink that sweet coffee or tea that you like. Decorate your room with pictures of family and friends, or places you want to travel. You're only in college for a little while, so don't stress too much, have a lot of fun, and enjoy the ride.