6 Life Lessons As Told By Friends | The Odyssey Online
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6 Life Lessons As Told By Friends

How a cast of six actors and actresses brought audiences more than just laughter.

6 Life Lessons As Told By Friends

I feel inclined to start off this article by saying that if you are not an avid watched of Friends- and you should be- you’re going to feel one of two ways after reading this. Number one, you’ll feel extremely confused by some of the references made, yet also persuaded to make Friends your new Netflix “must watch” show. Or two, you will be easily entertained and hopefully find yourself agreeing with much of what is said.

Since high school, I have been a huge fan of Friends, and it seems only right to me to shed a light on why I believe Friends is as amazing as it would have to be to watch each season roughly five times each.

Thus, I give you the six characters of Friends and the six life lessons they represent based on my observation, enjoy!

1. Phoebe- Express Yourself

I’m not exactly sure why I started with Phoebe, but perhaps it could have something to do with the fact that she is definitely in my top three for favorite characters. Throughout every season of Friends, Phoebe is probably the most aloof and spontaneous character, but there is one thing about her that stays consistent- her attitude. Phoebe teaches everyone who watches the show that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being yourself, even if it means that the rest of the world thinks you’re unbelievably weird. If you want to wear Santa Clause pants as maternity clothes and write songs about cats, the world is your oyster!

2. Joey- Be A Friend

Generally, when you watch Friends you find yourself laughing at all of the absurd and outrageous things that Joey does in the show. He loves food, women, and in one instance sports women’s lipstick for an ad in Japan, but that’s beside the point. Through it all, most audience members laugh at Joey’s stupidity, but what they don’t recognize is his willingness to forgive and support. No matter how badly his friends mess up, or how many mistakes they make, Joey is always the one character that is there for them at the end of the day to make sure someone can lift their spirits up. He may not be known on the show for being the most brilliant, but he certainly deserves the award for being the most loyal.

3. Chandler- Laugh, Just Laugh

Okay, so those of you who do watch Friends probably aren’t that surprised that I chose this for Chandler’s life lesson, but nevertheless I do feel that it is an important one to point out. Everyone knows Chandler as the jokester and class clown, but what I think a lot of people miss is the fact that this is a very important life skill to have. Chandler is certainly a character who experiences plenty of tragedies in the show, from watching his parents get divorced at a young age to having his girlfriend Janice leave him to go back to her ex-husband. Still, even with all the upsets Chandler reminds us that a little humor can go a long way, for everyone. Whenever his friends are down he never hesitates to lighten the mood with a joke, and even on the days when he is bummed out he has the ability to laugh at himself and turn it all around. Even if you don’t’ find yourself laughing the hardest at Chandler, there’s no doubt that his humor will lift you out of your slump.

4. Monica- Have A Work Ethic

I’ll be honest, Monica has never been my favorite character on the show, partly because I feel like she can be a little over-the-top sometimes, and partly because Joey has a very special place in my heart. Nonetheless, there is one character trait she embodies that I believe everyone can learn from- her work ethic. While it is clear to the audience that being a professional chef is all she ever wants to do, Monica constantly experiences backlash from her unsupportive mother and even goes through some unsuccessful roller-skate-wearing restaurant jobs before she finally achieves her end goal. However, through all of the mishaps that occur in her career and the times when she fears she will never make it to the top, she never fails to keep pushing for the end goal, and that is something that everyone should take note of.

5. Ross- Love Everyone

Regardless of whether or not you watch Friends, you’re probably aware of two things: one, Ross has always been in love with Rachel, and two, “we were on a break!”. Between the two, it is no secret that the first one is definitely one of the most well-known facts about the show as a whole. Still, it’s not just Rachel that Ross manages to express his love for throughout the show. Whenever one of Ross’s friends are in trouble or need someone to lean on, he is always the guy who can provide helpful life advice, and really means it when he sits down to listen to your problems. Moreover, even with all of the turmoil that he faces with Rachel (don’t even get me started on whether or not they were on a break) he tries time and time again to prove to her that she is the one for him, and that he would do anything for her. If there’s one thing you can learn from Ross, it’s his ability to give love. Oh, and the fact that your celebrity list has to be laminated to be official.

6. Rachel- Independence is Scary but Necessary

Lastly, we are left with Rachel. When we see the first few episodes of Friends, we find ourselves not necessarily loving Rachel due to how spoiled and stuck-up she is. However, after watching her across all 10 seasons, we start to grow fonder of her as she becomes more independent and begins to appreciate the value in working hard. Rachel goes through a number of jobs before she lands the right one at Ralph Lauren, and it is in doing so that she also learns the power of hard work and being independent. Although she may not have particularly loved her time being a waitress, it taught her respect for other people, and that if you want to get to the top of something, you sometimes have to start from the bottom and work your way up. One thing’s for sure, Rachel absolutely embodies the attitude and mentality every recently graduated college student should have once they start “adulting”.

So there you have it! The six life lessons that I personally believe the six characters from Friends represent. If you haven’t yet watched it, I absolutely encourage you to check it out. As you may have just learned, not only is it funny, but it also provides you with some great life lessons.
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