In high school- maybe even middle school- our teachers told us certain things about college. They filled our minds with ideas of this scary place where nobody knows who you are and you're the only one that cares if you learn. Here are just a few of those things that I've found to be totally untrue so far in college. However, this won't by any means be everybody's experience. This is just mine, and I got lucky with great professors.
1. "If your name isn't on your paper, they won't care. It will get thrown away."
In all of my classes (even math!), my teachers will hold up unclaimed papers and ask people to come up and see if it might be theirs.They don't count off. They just make sure to take the grade down to the right name. It has not been a big deal and the teachers are never angry with students that forget to put their name on their papers.
2. "You don't have to go to class."
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but attendance is part of my final grade in most classes. You need to be in class because a lot gets covered every class whether you realize it or not, so missing one day can be overwhelming. Not to mention that if you don't go to several classes, they will send someone to check on you. The school isn't trying to invade your privacy, just make sure you're okay and not sitting in a corner pulling your hair out from stress or fear.
3. "Dress code matters."
While this one is a little iffy, I've not seen a single guy that saw a girl's shoulder and couldn't perform in class. I get tired of the occasionial butt cheek hanging out of people's short shorts, but that's their choice to make and if they're happy with it then I'm not judging. I can wear tempo shorts, and I perform just fine in class. My classroom performance might be even better because I make sure I'm comfortable, while still being presentable.
4. "Teachers won't provide materials you forget. You'll be penalized for not doing your work."
My teachers bring paper for us to do tests and quizzes on. My Psychology 101 teacher even brings a box of pencils for us to use if we forget one. They are understanding and won't be mad if you ask for something to write with and if you don't have your book the will just ask that you look on with someone that does.
5. "Your teacher doesn't care about your personal life or that you have other classes."
A couple of my professors told the class at the beginning of the semester that if we got overwhelmed with other classes or had personal issues then we could email them and that could be the flexible class. I don't think many professors are this kind, but mine are. I don't stress over those classes even though I get everything turned in on time, but I know that if its too much, they will help.
6. "Professors don't care if you learn the material- you're paying them regardless."
My teachers will sit there and go over something several times to ensure everyone can understand. They make sure to advertise their office hours so that we feel welcome. Some even offer outside resources, such as those offered in our Student Success Center to help even further. My teachers want to see me succeed.
Regardless of your personal experience, college probably isn't what they warned us it would be like.