6 Lessons You Learn From Watching Grey's Anatomy | The Odyssey Online
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6 Lessons You Learn From Watching Grey's Anatomy

Meredith, Christina and Alex all have something to teach us

6 Lessons You Learn From Watching Grey's Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy may seem like every other medical drama show and if you think that you’re sorely mistaken but also a little bit right. Grey’s is a wealth of life lessons and advice for just about every situation you might find yourself in, from plane crashes and active shootings to breaking up with your boyfriend or having a bad day. The life advice is endless. However, the life lessons are contained within the characters and the situations they go through throughout the show. Here are some of them:

Meredith Grey:

When Meredith Grey narrates at the beginning of each episode she’s about to give you a life lesson and tell you something you never realized. She uses so many metaphors and relates it to the body because of being a surgeon. However, there is always a bigger picture lesson than what is shown in the show. She always ties it up at the end and makes you see what the real lesson is. Life is long and difficult but beautiful and fulfilling at the same time. Meredith sees herself as “dark and twisty” and she is but she is also loyal and accepting. She is a good person who had a long and hard past. She shows that we can do anything despite our dark pasts.

Derek Shepard:

Derek Shepard is dreamy and handsome, but also smart and demanding. He is always ready for a challenge and will always take on the challenging surgeries. The impossible for him, is possible somehow and he believes in it. The impossible is a challenge and one he is willing and ready to accept. He shows us that dreaming is okay and that everything is impossible until you try it. He is always willing to show us that challenges make you better and keep you going. He is inspired by challenge and the impossible as well as everyday life. Seeing the inspiration in the impossible and everyday life is also a big lesson we learn from him.

Miranda Bailey:

Miranda Bailey is the toughest woman on that show, don’t try to argue with her or she’ll tell you how it really is. She is smart and capable and the most caring character on the show. She is not afraid to speak her mind and frankly, it’s inspiring. She may be small but don’t doubt how mighty she is. She is a mother figure to most of the characters who are younger than she is and since becoming chief she has taken in even further. She shows us what it means to be a good leader, to care and to lead fearlessly.

Alex Karev:

Alex Karev is a good guy deep down. All of his tough bravado and seemingly careless attitude is just for show. He loves his job and he’s frankly the best pediatric surgeon at Grey-Sloan Memorial (Sorry Arizona Robbins!). Alex has made some mistakes in the past but it is usually because he’s standing up for what he believes in. He tries so hard to do his best and stick to his morals but sometimes it makes him look bad. Alex shows us that doing the right thing and standing up for yourself is not always that easy but it must be done. Having the courage to do such things is important. Making the choice to apologize or do better next time takes a lot of bravery and Alex is the epitome of it all.

Richard Webber:

Richard Webber has made many mistakes while only trying to do what he thinks is best. He’s hurt people, himself and even given up a few times. He wants to be the best and do the best work he can all while trying not to let his emotions get in the way. He shows us that you can get through anything and make it out alive, sometimes better than before.

Callie Torres:

Callie shows that it’s okay to not have it together all the time. Callie is emotional and charismatic. Her face tells you how she feels and she is not shy about it. She shows that it’s okay not to have it all together all the time. You can be successful and happy but still have a lot going on.

Whether you watch the show or not, you might be able to relate to at least one of these lessons. They do a great job of keeping it real and going through their hardships.

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